Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Cocoa and Lilly

Cocoa and Lilly

My husband and I rescued Cocoa and Lilly through the Dachshund Rescue of North America. They were saved from a house that had 40 other dogs! Though it took some time, they have changed from being shy, scared dogs, to lovable lap dogs!

Chrissy N
Westminster, MD

My little MinPin

My little MinPin

I rescued this little 10-pound dog from a man that kept her outside and wanted to sell her so he could buy a car. It was love at first sight and I took her home. I no longer need a heating pad since Bonnie cuddles up in my arms at night. She is best buddy with our Rottweiler and steals his bones. The three of us are going on many campingtrips together and are having a wonderful time!

Petaluma, CA

Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches

Rags was found running down a road with blood on his fur. He was skinny and his puppy collar had embedded itself in his neck skin. Our animal shelter had his collar surgically removed and took wonderful care of him until he could be adopted. I happened to wander through the shelter, idly checking out dogs and liked his interest in toys and his general friendliness, lack of fear from gentle brushing, curiosity about the grounds when we went out together. When he came to live with us, he went from rags to riches - home cooked dog food, toys, plenty of interaction with us and our other shelter dog, woods to run and dig in, and a bed by ours. He has a rawhide bone in his mouth in this photo.

Melissa Simpson
Fairbanks, AK

Czarina, the former stray.

Czarina, the former stray.

Czarina is a former stray, who lived in my apartment complex. She's about 4 or 5 years old. When she was outside, I'd spend time with her in the morning before I went to work. She was always waiting for me. I'm so happy to have her in my life. She gets alone so well with my other 4 cats, who I've had since kitten hood. She rarely meows, and likes to coo mostly and she loves to cuddle. Give a stray a chance!

Miami, FL



Magi came to us one October after a group of sheepherders dropped him on the side of the road because of his worn down shoulders. As soon as he wandered into our backyard, we knew he was there to stay! After a quick surgery, Magi is as good as new, and we can't imagine our lives without him. I encourage everyone to adopt their next pet from a shelter: You won't regret it!

C. Jory
Sun Valley, ID

A Happy Ending for Buford

A Happy Ending for Buford

I found Buford with Petfinder a few months after losing my 16-year-old orange tabby. I fell in love with him on sight and cried for hours after reading his story. He was a senior cat who was rescued from a trailer park and had such a badly inflamed mouth all but two of his teeth had to be pulled. But even after so much suffering and neglect, he's the most loving, sweet boy and the light of my life. He's fat, fuzzy and happy now, and I smile every time he exposes his belly or falls so deeply asleep he snores. I will always be grateful to the people who rescued him so he and I could find one another.

Los Angeles, CA

Macy Finds a Home

Macy Finds a Home

I saw Macy online in the Oxford MS Humane Shelter. She was so skinny, every bone showed. She weighed under two pounds and had a broken front leg. My heart went out to her! The people at the Oxford shelter were terrific, and when I finally got to take Macy home, she was wearing a bright pink cast! She is now the princess of the house and is a sleek and healthy seven pounds. She is finally learning to play! We can't imagine life without her.

Thunder Bay, Canada

my Beautiful Hudson

my Beautiful Hudson

I adopted Hudson from WAG in Whistler BC. His mother, Beautiful, was hit by a car, had surgery on her broken pelvis, then delivered her puppies four days later! I think she gave birth to nine pups. His mom was lucky to have WAG and I am lucky to have Hudson. That was now over a year ago. He is a miracle and I can't imagine life without him.

Bellingham, WA

Cody & Annabelle

Cody & Annabelle

We adopted Cody from Adopt-a-Pet at our local Petsmart. He actually chose us, as we walked up to the cages he reached his paw out and placed it softly on my forehead as he meowed. He was a tiny little squirt and loved to tease our other cat, Annabelle (whom I took in after my brother found her wandering in an apartment complex). We often joke that Cody is a dog trapped in a cat's body, because he loves to be in our laps and even begs for food at the table. He will eat almost anything (if we let him) and is very loving. He even comes running when we call him to bed at night, and of course he lays right in the middle and tries to hog the bed. They both bring a lot of happiness to our lives!

Rebecca B
Houston, TX

my sweet Banjo

my sweet Banjo

my husband knew about this sweet little dog watching us from the woods, but didn't tell me about him.till one day i saw something move. he told me don't touch him and don't feed him. well that went on for 2 days and i couldn't stand it anymore.i didn't touch him, he touched me.ha.little did i know my husband was already feeding him and had already named him.he is definitely our joy.he thinks he helps dad with the cows.haha

dot richter
paige, TX