Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Little Pugzie Chelsea!!!

My Little Pugzie Chelsea!!!

Three years ago I had a really bad break-up with a long and hard relationship and was not doing to well. I had always wanted a little dog, so I decided to go to the SPCA... I came across this really cute pug - she was only about 4 weeks old and tiny! As I came closer to her, she gave me this little look with so much love and I just knew! She was destined to be mine! And from that day I have never looked back - She lifted my spirits and gave me a reason to wake up in the mornings again!!! So I may have rescued her.... but I think she rescued me more than anything!!! I love her to bits!!!

Sandton, South Africa

Frankie and Vinnie

Frankie and Vinnie

I brought Fluffy, Frankie and Skinny Vinnie home after a visit to my family in rural Western New York. My husband and I were still mourning the loss of our beloved cat Zolushka, who came to us as a feral kitten, and who had finally succumbed to feline leukemia after many happy years. Frank and Vinnie were only 5 weeks old and were weak and sickly. The family who found them did not want to care for them and were planning to euthanize them if no one came forward. The local farm vet gave me a little hope, and so I drove the 10 hours back to Brockton with the tiny cats zipped into my sweatshirt to keep them warm. Now, almost three years later they are healthy and wonderful and they bring us joy everyday!

Molly Root
Brockton, MA

My Majestic Cat

My Majestic Cat

Actually I think Tommy rescued himself! Twelve years ago I used to chase a lovely cat from my garden who used to come to fight with my daughter's cat and steal his dinner. This cat obviously was not in need of a meal. Since I first met Tommy, he has never been less than 8kg but normally he is 9kg.

About 12 months after I first saw Tommy, he arrived in our garden where he sat outside my bedroom and cried, and cried most pitifully. It was 10 days before I decided that perhaps he had belonged to an elderly person and that this person was no longer around. I then decided to feed him. After exhausted enquiries we found his previous owner, who had moved to live in a different town. They informed us that they had never wanted him and had abandoned him on purpose. Further information from local residents indicated that in fact he had been cruelly treated.

He has been a wonderful addition to our family. He tolerates the unwanted attention of visiting young children, dogs, puppies and kittens.

He follows me around and sits beside me and just sits and watches whatever I am doing with his soft loving eyes.

Eighteen months ago I brought home another kitten that was seeking a home. Misty has pestered and tormented my Tommy, but he is always so gentle with her and sometimes she even entices this poor old man to play.

Tommy is a much loved, majestic old man now and I treasure every day that I am able to call him mine.

Janet Kieran
Port Stephens, Australia

Instant bond with Sugar

Instant bond with Sugar

Back in June, 2008 on, I was going through the bulletins and saw that Saving Helpless Animals - Paula had a little girl that was looking for a forever home. As soon as we saw her picture, Sugar melted our hearts. We decided to adopt her. Before she came to us, she had to overcome heartworm, so we waited for her. She was finally ready in November, and she was delivered via Operation Roger. Paula was good at keeping us informed how she was doing and Chris, her driver, was great calling us with updates. Today makes it 4 months since she came home to us. We love her dearly, and wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. This is a picture of her with Santa Paws. I wish more people would adopt their pets, there are lots out that are just waiting for their forever home. We are glad we did.

Cindy Konrad
Blue Earth, MN

The Name Fits

The Name Fits

When my son arrived at my house, from 30 miles away, for our Christmas 2008 celebration he heard a strange sound coming from his engine compartment. He opened the hood and out jumped a tiny orange kitten. Luckily he caught him and brought him in the house. "Lucky Noel" has lived with us ever since. He has a "forever home" in the house. Our 17 year old Ichabod isn't always happy about him, but they get along just fine as do the 2 doxie mix dogs. Lucky loves everyone, and most everyone loves Lucky right back.

Brenda Carrigan
Pasadena, CA

Mr. Monet, the Perfect Dog for me

Mr. Monet, the Perfect Dog for me

I decided in May 2008 that I wanted to adopt a little dog who could travel with me when I went to visit my elderly parents.

I looked at many pictures of little dogs on Petfinder over the summer, but I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted and stopped looking for a while. By fall I had written a list of the things I was looking for in a dog - tiny, handsome, smart, etc.

The next time I logged on to Petfinder I saw a picture of a little white dog with a brown spot on his head who was very cute and up for adoption from Rohe Animal Rescue. Aside from a photo and description, they had posted a video of Mr.Monet - only about a minute long but I could see how nice he was, wagging his tail and being sweet. They said he was a Chihuahua. I didn't know yet what a wonderful breed the Chihuahua was, but I decided to pursue this dog further.

I filled out the application and the Rescue folks asked what I was looking for - when I gave them my list I think they must have had an idea right then and there that this might be a good match.

They brought him to my house for a visit and the moment he got out of the car I was in love. Over the past few months he has blossomed. The best part is not only does he make me laugh in his own funny, charming way, but he loves me back.

My parents love him too - it's great to see my 102 year old Dad laughing when Monet yawns and stretches out his tiny paws.

silk hope, NC

Our 3 Rescue Hounds

Our 3 Rescue Hounds

We rescued all 3 of our hounds. The poodle from a local humane society and the other two from local pounds. The time was almost up for both of them. The black one, Sadie, had already been taken back to be put down once, but they just couldn't do it. She had heart worms and was black, so hard to adopt out. Chester, the lab mix, was so skinny. After we brought him home, he just couldn't get enough to eat. Now that he knows the food will always be there, he'll go all day without even touching it. They have their forever home now and our lives would be really boring without them. Please adopt!

Lori Beckelman
Coppell, TX

Railroad puppy

Railroad puppy

I live next to a rail road line. I was walking one rainy day and hear a strange cry. I enlisted the help of my brother and together we rescued a puppy that had fallen six feet under a railroad trussel, the puppy was unharmed just scared and grateful. He now has a home where he will be taken care of.

Ben D.
Jellico, TN

Rescue Puppy

Rescue Puppy

We found Miller through an organization that rescues puppies from high kill shelters in the south. He and his sister were weak and weary but when we went to meet him despite him not being 100% he jumped and played and ran around the yard and gave the sweetest little puppy kisses. Our hearts melted. You could say we rescued him, but I like to think that somedays he rescues us! He's a joy to have around. He's the happiest dog I've ever met and he bring happiness to those around him. Rescue animals are the best.

Melissa S
Beverly, NJ



My friend wanted to get a kitten from the Humane Society and I agreed to go with her. Although I wasn't looking to add to my 2 cat household, I fell in love with a shy adult tabby. Rowan is still timid with strangers, but she cuddles with me every night.

Chico, CA