Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Elway and Babe

Elway and Babe

This story is about a little dog named Elway he's a cha-winnie, we think. He was on the street for about 5 years that we know of, and he used to come up to the house and we would feed him. It took a lot to get him to come up to us, because he was scared. He would hook up with the wrong people - any drunks that would walk around, Elway would follow. Well we watched for a while. We always wanted him, but he would just run away. Then one day we saw Elway being beat, and then we knew that he was coming home with us! It took a lot to get him used to eating with the other dogs we have, not to mention everyday that he broke out of the fence and ran away. We would find him everyday and bring him back. We showed him love and fun, and now we have had him for 4 years. He was skin and bones when he first came into our lives. Now he sure knows where the treat door is!

The Pug, Babe, in this picture was also rescued from a very mean woman, who would throw dogs in the trash can, if they died. We use to mow the lady's yard and always played with Babe while we were there. One day the lady told us to take her, because she could not take care of her. Our son went right over and picked Babe up. Babe is now 3 yrs old, her birthday is 02/14/06 our valentine baby. And to top it all off, she cannot get away from Elway!

Natalie & Penny
Abilene, TX

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie

Having worked with a family who'd moved to Mississippi and lost everything they owned from Katrina, I had a strong, unwavering desire to assist with the aftermath. I checked with the pastor of my church to find out if they had a mission planned. There wasn't, but I didn't stop there. I googled Katrina Missions and much to my surprise, found a church leaving in less than two weeks!
It was my hope to assist with counseling and the rebuilding of homes, however, I was also asked to assist in the animal shelters. I was informed that the animals were "low priority" due to the fact employees had lost their homes and were preoccupied with attempting to coordinate with FEMA.
My response: "you don't understand, I grew up on an animal farm; there is no way I can look those animals in the eye and not want to take each of them home". Needless to say, I did work in the shelter bathing all the pups, walking all the dogs and cleaning all of the pens. Although I was determined not to look into their eyes, as I was cleaning the cage of one dog, I saw her cowering in the corner, shivering fearfully. I quickly turned away and tried to jet out of her pen. However, she ran over to me, took her little paws, wrapped them around my ankle and did not let go. As her little body dragged along the concrete, she never let go of my leg and I burst into tears!! Consequently, my little Mississippi Mud Pie and her sister in the next cage, Kitty Kat Trina drove 18 hours home with me in the back of someone else's Mercedes Benz and never made a peep. They have become the biggest Blessing in my life.

Debra L. Haley, LCSW
Clayton, DE



One fine day, a tiny kitten was following some children as they passed by my house on their way home from school. They were very worried, so I offered to distract the kitten so they could continue on their way. That was in September 1987, and although we put up signs all around the neighborhood, no one ever claimed her, and Pepper and I have been distracting each other ever since! She is now totally deaf to voices, but I am a pianist and she always comes to sit next to me on the piano bench when I practice. I took the picture above on Pepper's 21-and-a-half-year-old birthday, as she pawed my leg asking to be petted!

Kathryn Flueck
Golden, CO

Bird Saves Son

Bird Saves Son

No one was at home one night except for my son and Screech, my pet lovebird. After my son had gone to bed, the box fan's motor he was using caught on fire. If it hadn't been for Screech's persistent screeching, possibly the house and everything in it would have burned. We feel Screech played a very big part in saving his life.

Katie Heatherly
Monmouth, IL

Chako...My Hero!

Chako...My Hero!

One day while he was outside, my dog Chako was barking like crazy. I thought it sounded like someone may be out there, so I went to see who he was barking at. Well, Chako was barking at my car! I checked all around the outside of the car but couldn't find anything, so I opened the door...and there was a garter snake curled up on my seat. I can only imagine what would have happened if that snake had appeared while I was driving! Chako is my hero!

Lynne Decker
Seneca Falls, NY



This sweet dog was a rescue from the Collierville, TN pound about 10 years ago. She was estimated to be about 6 months old. She wasn't what I was looking for, I wanted a shepard mix, but she wanted us. She was shaking and crying and my heart went out to her. She has given us unconditional love these past many years and we have done the same for her. My life is fuller because of her. We call her Darlin' and she truly is.

Jean Koebernick
Beloit, WI

Parker & Kirby - Bonded for Life

Parker & Kirby - Bonded for Life

Parker and Kirby were actually born in our home. We fostered their mothers during their pregnancies for a local organization called Rescue House. Sisters, Katie and Kelly each had two litters of five within a matter of hours of each other. They both nursed, groomed and loved all ten kittens to the point that we didn't know who belonged to who. We referred to it as, "The girls are tag teaming again." Parker and Kirby, two of the ten, grabbed hold of our heartstrings and adopted us for life. They are either brothers or cousins - we're not sure which. At 2 years old, they are different as night and day, but totally inseparable.

Kat Baker
San Diego, CA

Super Duper Cooper

Super Duper Cooper

Cooper was left in a junkyard with his mother and three other puppies. A kind neighbor found them fed his mom and found homes for the puppies-
Late one dark and rainy December evening we drove to her cabin to meet him.
He lay on my husband's foot and then came when I called him. We took him home. Two years later he is a handsome, charismatic, polite, smart, funny, strong and sensitive dog. He loves new friends, kids, scent work and of course, the ball.
And we love him.

Portland, OR

Harley, the Little Pomeranian with a BIG Heart

Harley, the Little Pomeranian with a BIG Heart

I got Harley 3 days after I had to put my beloved little Scamp to sleep. Harley has made me smile every day since then. He is as full of love as he is energy.

I have severe social anxiety, but since I have to take Harley out 3 times daily for his constitutional, I'm not allowed to just hole up in my apartment. He is also a great ice breaker. I live in a retirement community, and he is loved by all here. He brings such joy to the lives of my neighbors! Some of them fuss over him as much as I do!

Topeka, KS

Oscar P

Oscar P

My kittens had become cats, less willing to play than to sleep. I went to get the mail one morning and this little kitten ran over to me and started to purr. "How sweet," I said to myself. I sat down and he climbed right into my lap. Just the day before I had said how much I had wanted a lap-kitty, and here he was. No one responded to my ads to find his owner, so I added him to the family. It took a little time for him to become accepted by the others, but he still loves to sit in a lap and purr.

Sacramento, CA