Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

A Cry For Help

A Cry For Help

Her eyes infected and merely skin covering bone, my Bobcat hybrid was near death, abandoned and left to die in temperatures she was barely able to endure when she found me. She literally cried out for help.

On my way to the mini mart behind the school where I took Tai Chi, I heard a soft mew. At that time I had a yard full of "throw aways" I fed and thought I heard cats everywhere. Without my glasses, I thought I was imagining her cry.
On my way back, she cried for me again and this time I began a search for the sound. It was then I found her, sitting on top of a car hood (the building behind the school was an auto body shop), eyes so infected they were closed (to this day she has vision problems), and her bones protruding through the skin.
Everyone at the school made a fuss over her, giving her food and milk, and I cleaned out her eyes.

During class, she wandered around. One of the guys said, "So, Andrea, what are you going to name your cat?" "She's not mine," I answered. "My husband said 'no more'."

As she walked to each person, they petted and spoke to her and when she came to me, I did the same and she mewed loudly and yowled.

My classmate said, "Not your cat huh?" She came home with me and I named her Wah Lum after the type of Tai Chi I was taking and to this day is MY baby.

I am an author and due to her "show off" personality, have written two stories about her. Being half Bobcat (which I suspect is why she was abandoned) she is full of fire!

Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc
Tampa, FL

SouthPaw Rescue takes in Poms from the Sparta,TN Mill Raid

SouthPaw Rescue takes in Poms from the Sparta,TN Mill Raid

On February 15, 2009, 12 Pomeranians rescued from the Sparta puppy mill raid were transferred by the ASPCA to South Paw Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc. in Gainesboro, TN...
Their first full day of freedom is bath day. They all got bathed, brushed, nails cut, and knots and matts cut off. They feel MUCH better! And now, they need names!

We spent the day getting to know all the dogs. There were lots of firsts for them today.... they heard the phone ring, they saw and heard a tv, saw an oven in use, etc. All the little things we take for granted that mill dogs have never experienced.

For more of the story and to watch the progress of the Poms from mill to rescue to eventually adoptive homes. Please go to the website

South Paw Animal Rescue and Sanctuary is a small 501c3 non-profit animal rescue founded in 2007. We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to rescuing puppy mill, abandoned, and unwanted small animals. Our volunteers are located throughout the United States and Canada. We are funded soley by charitable donations with 100% going directly to the care and medical needs of the animals we rescue.

Watkins Glen, NY

Happy Tails

Happy Tails

Meet Claire, a Chihuahua mix that was taken to the shelter at 6 weeks old. My daughter saw her the day after she was dropped off. "Merry Christmas mom, now you have your own baby dog so you can quit borrowing mine." Our rescued Setter had died last year and I was needing to fill a big void. We have 3 other rescues and Claire makes 4, plus on occasion the granddog. Claire just finished the AKC S.T.A.R. puppy program offered at our local obedience club. She is such a joy to have and we can't wait to take her camping and hiking this summer.

Pam Allen
Anderson, IN

The Brothers

The Brothers

Poppa & Rocky were both rescued from an animal shelter on Christmas Eve. My brother gave us Poppa and he kept Rocky. Poppa was so sick when we first brought him home. He weighed 1 pound and was the sweetest baby in the world. We did everything possible to save him and spent hours in the emergency room. He is now a healthy boy! I always tell my brother that Poppa is the gift that keeps on giving! We are so lucky to have such an incredible cat! He is the king of our CATsle!

new york, NY

Ringo the Circus Dog

Ringo the Circus Dog

My favorite kind of dog is one that looks like it was pulled through the bushes backwards, if you can picture that. You know the type, hair sticking out in all directions all over it's body.
It was time for a new dog. I wanted a scruffy mixed breed. I searched on Petfinder and found him. His name was Scruffy.
He was found wandering around a stable. The woman coaxed him into one of the stalls. He was a very nice boy, just very afraid. He had a terrible skin problem and was loaded with fleas and ticks. She was associated with a rescue group and they got him to a vet where it was discovered that he was positive for heartworms. With great veterinary care, this fabulous rescue group got rid of his parasites, had his skin treated, neutered him and treated his heartworms.
I met Scruffy when he was almost finished with his heartworm treatment. I drove 45 minutes to his foster home and when he was brought out, he wasn't shy at all but very excited. He came right over and sat on my feet as if to say: "OK lady, you're mine!"
I took him home a week later only to discover that he was afraid of quick hand movements and foot movements. That led me to believe that perhaps a previous owner may have hit him and that was why he had been so afraid. After a short time, he lost his fear.
We soon learned that he is extremely quick to learn tricks and smiles and bows on command! He should be in a circus or in the movies! I have had him for over 3 years now and he is truly the best dog I've ever had.

Sheryl Roberts
Penns Grove, NJ



Six years ago I had just come out of a bad relationship and was having a hard time. One day while I was out feeding the stray cats along came Hunabuna. He was dirty, hungry and his fur was all knotted up against his skin. It took us over a month to comb and cut out the knot balls (yes, he helped me). I love him so much, he is a real friend. He really helped me through a rough time. Every time I look at him I am filled with so much happiness. I can't imagine my life without him.

Salt Lake City, UT



Boots (the name we gave him) showed up on my patio in September. I had 3 cats already and was not sure he was a stray because he had a collier. He would sit outside the door looking in at us with his front paw up in the air as if it were hurt. We let him in our home when it started to snow. Took him to the vet the next day and had him fixed. They said Boots was about 3 years old and gave him a clean bill of health. About a month later he came to the back door with his foot hanging, bleeding, and leaves all stuck to him. I wrapped him in a towel ran him to my vet. I could not put him down without a fighting chance. He broke his leg in 3 places, broken ribs, lost his front fang, etc. They put pins in his front leg but didn't know if it was going heal. I didn't want to cut it off without trying first. Boots came home on Christmas Eve with a cast on. This went on until Valentines day when the cast came off and his leg had healed fine.

Boots is worth every penny I spent. Every night he will come on my bed and get right in my face for attention or maybe it is his way of thanking me.

We believe Boots was in a fight with the Great Dane next door. I am just thankful that Boots had the strength to make it back home again.

Hope Brady
Dix Hills, NY

Hop Along Cassidy- my three-legged hero cat!

Hop Along Cassidy- my three-legged hero cat!

I rescued Cassidy from my apartment complex in Texas where she was born out in the wild. She had a birth defect and the vet recommended amputation of her front left leg. She was suppose to take it "easy" for 3 weeks but after only 3 days she was running around, in her baby onesies, with her brothers and sisters... like she had all 4 legs. Cassidy teaches me everyday that you don't have to be perfect in body to love and appreciate life to the fullest. She has truly rescued me and made my life so much more fun and exciting with her funny three-legged antics! She is my Hop-Along Cassidy.

M. Stelter
San Antonio, TX

Saving the Paws (Sammy-Sassy-Chloe)

Saving the Paws (Sammy-Sassy-Chloe)

I have saved 3 kitties and Sammy is my newest. He is 7 months old. His mother dropped him off at my back door when he was 3 weeks old, so we took him in and he is now a part of my family, along with Paws. Sassy is my oldest. She is 7 years old (on top in the photo), and I have Chloe. She is 5. I also have 10 outdoor cats I feed that are neighborhood outcasts.

June Sprague
Flint, MI

My dog Blue

My dog Blue

When I decided to get married a second time around I followed my husband to America. He was in the Army stationed at Fort Irwin CA at the time, and, being born in Germany, I needed a Visa to stay and work here. The paperwork took about 8 months, and during this time I was not allowed to work. After cleaning the house for the 5th time I got very bored and lonely. I looked through the local paper we got here on Post and I found a dog that looked like a wolf.

The Paper advertised him as his last chance before euthanizing would occur. My heart melted and I spoke with my husband that night. He said we have 2 kids, are you sure you want a dog? Yes, I am sure. I grew up with dogs and I have always worked with German Shepherds. When we looked at him at the Foster Parent's home we could not resist and so we took him home. Were we in for a surprise? He was a very aggressive dog who wanted to be the Alpha Male. We then found out that we would be his last home, he was already returned twice after he bit the other owners. The Military Police caught him in the desert after he was abused very badly from a Soldier. I was not about to give up and we worked a great deal with him. He helped me overcome so many different things living in a new country that I am very thankful he came into my life. He has helped me become a professional Dog Trainer and he is the best trained dog you can wish for. He is about 12 years old by now and still very spirited. He is my dog Blue.

Manuela Connatser
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA