Believe in love at first sight? These huskies do.

We got Chinook (left) as a puppy from a reputable breeder. My fiance and I had both always wanted a husky since we were kids. He was our dream dog. After he was about 1 1/2 years old I kept looking at the local shelter for a companion for him. One day I was looking on the website and I saw Koda (right). I got my fiance, packed up Chinook, and we raced down to the shelter to meet her. She was the sweetest dog ever and still is. Chinook and her hit it off right away and were running around the meet and greet room together. We brought her home and gave her a bath. Probably brushed 5 pounds of hair out of her. We got her at 1 year old and she had always been kept outside, even since she was a baby. She was turned in because they had no time for her. I am so glad they didn't know what they had because she is the perfect addition to our family and now she never has to spend another night outside. I will never get another dog from anywhere a shelter. We also have a cat Scooter we rescued from a shelter 4 years ago. Chinook is turning 4 this year and Koda just turned 3. They are completely inseperable and never spend a minute apart. They are the greatest dogs ever and make our lives complete.
