
Eight years ago, our son rescued a 7-month old mixed breed pup. We rushed her to the vet, who told us he had never seen such a terrible case of neglect. She should have weighed 40-45 pounds, and weighed 14 pounds. She was so emaciated she could not stand. He did not expect her to survive the weekend.

All weekend, we spoon fed her every 3 hours, kept her wrapped in a blanket to stay warm, and had to hold her up outside to do her "business."

Monday morning we took her back to the vet and he was amazed she had made it through the weekend. She grew stronger over the next several months, we had her spayed, vaccinations, ticks removed, and a tumor removed from the top of her head.

Now at 9, she is a healthy (well, slightly overweight) 60 pounds and brings joy to all around her. Our son is a long-haul trucker, and she has been cross country with him many times. When she is home with us, she likes nothing better than to be wrapped up in a blanket and cuddle by the fire.

Over the years we have had many rescue dogs, and they are the most wonderful dogs in the world.

Olympia, WA