My neighbors had brought Jake home and had him outside, not even in a cage just running around their lawn. There were dogs and cats close, so I was so afraid they would kill him. I had never had a rabbit in my life. I knew nothing about them and in truth never wanted one, but I just could not let him get killed. I went over for a few days and gave him food and took him over to my house at night and then I asked my neighbors if I could take him and of course they said yes.

I had him behind a room divider in the house and went over to say good-night to him and he jumped over the divider and straight into my arms. This was the last time Jake ever went behind the divider. He now runs the house. He even uses a litter box. He now lives with another bunny, a Chow Chow, a Bulldog, and a Lhasa Apso and he is king of the castle. He keeps the other bunny and the 3 dogs in check even though he is 5 years old now. He has always lived with dogs and even walks like a dog instead of hopping most of the time. He goes out on the lawn to play and when I call his name he comes around the house and comes back in.

I don't know what made me ask for him that day, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world. He is my angel.

Lesley Chrislip
Whitman, WV