My Sweet Annabelle

I adopted Annabelle after she was found abandoned and starving, stuffed in a tree stump at the City Lake. She was an indoor cat, but ventured outside one February and was chased out of the yard by the neighbor's cat. I searched the neighborhood and put up flyers, but after a year and a bucket of tears, I stopped looking. My sister refused to give up and called one morning to tell me she saw her sleeping in a lady's yard across town. She had already been gone for 3 years, 2 months and 5 days. The lady said,"Yes, the cat has been here for about 3 years now and is wild as the wind. We feed her, but we can't get near her." I sat down in the grass, called her name and she came right to me. She's been home with us for almost 3 years now and we're so glad we found her. I still can't believe it. What are the chances?

Boerne, TX