
I remember laying in bed one night after being woken up for the third time by Addison, 2 1/2 years old, to go potty AGAIN, and remembering all the trips to the bathroom earlier that day, it hit me! This horrible, gut wrenching feeling, I remembered reading an article in one of my parenting magazines, of a dad recalling his child having frequent urination, a symptom of Type I Diabetes. It was a feeling that kept me up for a couple of hours, until I finally "convinced" myself that, no, it wasn't diabetes. That would never happen to "my" daughter, it was probably just a UTI. The next day I called and made a doctors appointment for the following day.

When we got to the doctors office, Addi had to go potty. By the way, a 2 year old peeing in a plastic cup while mom holds it, is not easy, yes, my hand got wet! :) The doctor came in, told us that Addi's BG was over 600 and that we needed to be flown to Albuquerque. After lots of hidden tears, mine; and making plans for our other kids, a 5 year old & a 5 month old, to stay with grandparents; a few hours later, we flew to Albuquerque; where we learned about our new lifestyle, from some really great people. We stayed there for 4 nights & 5 days.

Now, 16 months later, besides the countless finger pokes, at least 4 shots a day, & numerous ER visits, Addison is a normal 4 year old. She just finished dance and swimming lessons, she loves to run around and play with her brothers, and she is getting ready to start preschool. She has recently figured out when she's feeling low, so she's able to tells us she's "shaky" or "tired". And yes, we get the occasional "I don't like diabetes!" comments, but I remind her every time that there are lots of diabetics, that there will be a cure, and that she is a Strong little girl, and not everybody could do what she does every day!

Roswell, NM