Could it happen to me aswel?

Thursday November 11th 2010 is a day that I will never forget! I was 15, happy, full of life and doing my GCSE's, until I started to get sick. I was going through 5 to 6 litres of water a day in school and even more at home. I would get home from school at just drink straight from the tap because I was so thirsty! I thought it was just a phase and tried to ignore it. Then my eyes started getting blurry, so bad that I had to move to the front of the class, to read the board, and even then my friend had to read out what was on the board. Also came the tiredness, I would get home from school, drink loads then fall asleep until my mum would get home from work with my sister and wake me up. This went on for about a month. I had to sit down all the time, was falling asleep, and we would go out to our friends houses and my sister's friend would laugh at my and say I had a sleeping disorder which made me really self conscious.
I think deep down I knew what was wrong with me, but I just thought it can't happen to me as well; my younger sister (who is five years younger then me) was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2007, and I thought that it couldn't happen to me too, could it?
I eventually realised something was really wrong when I carried 8 bottles of water up to my bedroom to study because I knew 1 would never be enough so I decided to tell my parents what was going on, and my mum took my to the doctors, I explained my symptoms and with the history with my sister they did a test and told me there and then. I remember just being numb and in denial.
2 and a half years on I am 18, on an insulin pump, happy, healthy and going off to University.
Thankyou to mum, dad and my sister for everything!

Wales, United Kingdom