Erin's Early Teens Experience with Type 1 Diabetes (Coping w/ and adapting to diabetic life).

Hello! My Name is Erin. I'm currently 27years old. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was 14years old. My parents and I noticed that I was urinating and drinking a lot more and had (over time) developed more and more of a loss of appetite. I had an appointment with our family Pediatrician, who - given the signs and family history of diabetes - believed I may be a diabetic, and he referred us to a specialist. After seeing the specialist, my Pediatrician's suspicions were confirmed, and I was hospitalized for a period of 4days while doctors ran tests and did their thing to get my blood sugars in balance. At the time I was diagnosed, I weighed 78lbs! My blood sugars were sky high (520's range), and the whole experience certainly affected me as a teenager. After all, sugar is an important part of every teenager's life, isn't is? It was scary for me because I suddenly had to learn a whole new lifestyle, where so many things changed, and healthy living became more of a necessity than a personal choice. Smaller portions and multiple meals per day, as well as regular exercise, suddenly became my worst best friends. Looking back, I believe I handled the transition well, and have developed a good nutritional and aesthetical approach to controlling my diabetes. It's important to take care of your feet (never get a pedicure if you're a diabetic!), and to notice the sign of relatable ailments, as it affects much of the body - such as the liver, kidneys, eyes, nervous system, and heart, etc. The muscle structure and other disorders that are commonly associated with diabetes (like thyroid and seizures disorders). I have both thyroid and seizure disorders as a result of my diabetes. I've learned that it's important to know your limitations when it comes to exercise, and to become knowledgeable about calories and sugars intake. My advice is to relax and simply focus on taking care of yourself if you share the shoes I walk in daily, and to love life to the fullest!

Youngstown, OH