My name is Stefanie, I am 26 years old. In October of 1993 at the age of 7 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I have never been on an insulin pump and have never had a drivers license. I am not always in control but I am me. In March of this year I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. Another autoimmune disorder. Because of this my health has taken a fall into the gutter. But I do not despair! I have fought so hard my whole life to get where I am today. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter (which I was told I never would have because of my health,) I have a tattoo (which I was told would cause my ankle to rot off and have to cut my leg off,) I have one college degree and I am working on a second (after my health kept me from finishing high school,) I have survived several severe infections that should have killed me, I have my own business (co-owned with my sister in law,) and I volunteer 3 days a week cooking lunch for elderly persons at an adult day care program. Today I am still alive! Today I am fighting for life! Today I am awake and moving! Today I am still me! Without my will to keep going I would not be me, and without my diabetes I would not be who I am today! In October I will be throwing a 20 Year Party for my Diabetes!
Stefanie BondPenn Valley, CA