How Diabetes changed my life forever

I was deeply affected by this disease 17 years ago on February 18th, 1995 when my brother at the age of 33 passed away due to complications of Diabetes.Then 16 years later tragedy struck again when this disease claimed the life of my baby brother on November 30th, 2010,at the age of 29. My oldest brother was hospitalized for an infection and he took a turn for the worse, the infection spread rampant through his body and as a result his heart stopped. My youngest brother had both of his legs amputated,one above the knee and one below the He became depressed and I feel he gave up on life. He was hospitalized for an infection and the day before he died my parents said he was in good spirits and he asked that they bring a few of his things from home to have with him. Early the next morning he passed away. As many parents have said you don't expect to out live your children, and I can't fathom what it feels like to lose 1 child much less 2. I have a story my little brother told a few months before he passed away.He told me of a dream he once had of a pretty woman with long blonde hair and a bright light all around her, but he had said she didn't have any wings but she did remind him of an angel. He said she kept telling to stand up and walk and he had said to her I can't my legs are gone.Then in a moment he said he looked down and he had his legs, he stood up from his wheel chair and he began to walk. He told me " when I started to walk I felt so free, I had never felt that free since before I lost my legs". I had a tattoo done to honor the memory of of my brothers so they can always be with me and give me hope that we will find a cure for Diabetes someday.

Esterhazy, Canada