I am as normal as can be.

I was 12 when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It was the beginning of 6th grade and at first everything was well. Then I started getting so sleepy, that there were times where I would stay home from school and just sleep. The days I would go to school, I'd be asking to use the restroom every half hour and I lived at the drinking fountain. My parents said I smelled weird and they kept smelling my nails thinking the nail polish I was using was too strong. After a few concerns from people, my mother decided to take me to the doctors. Getting there had to be the most exhausting experience I ever had and when we arrived, the nurse asked me about my symptoms and took blood then sent me on my way like any other routine appointment.
Just a few days later, while my mother was cooking dinner, we received a call that changed everything. They told my mother to take me to the hospital immediately. And there, I spent a week learning how to relive. I was 5'2" at 73 pounds and had a lot of healing to do but got through it with the help of the amazing staff.
After that, I thought my life was done and that I would never be normal. People called me disabled and insisted I was diabetic because of my diet and I started to believe them for some time which lead to a hard teenage life.
But I am here to tell you, that that is not true. I am now 25 years old. I am married. I have a beautiful three year old son and next month I will welcome a little girl to the family. Sometimes life is so normal that I forget about my Diabetes (that is, until I get low or need to eat!).
Diabetes does not define anyone. It is just another challenge we must face in life. But we can overcome this and live happy healthy lives and we will, I have no doubt there. Just keep living.

Rathdrum, ID