I'm a survivor

I am a mother of three, married and this year I turn 50. Eleven years ago, while my husband was in Kuwait on active duty with the Army, i got really sick. I could not get up and even sweep the house because I would see tiny lights, get dizzy, no air in my lungs and my stomach was getting really big. My sister came to visit and got worried, so she forced me to go with her to her Dr. To make a long story short, I was operated to remove a cancerous tumor in my ovaries. It was 7 pounds and huge!! The thing is, this huge tumor was pressuring my pancreas, and my pancreas was pressuring my lounges. The thing is by my pancreas being pressured, the part that generates the insulin in my body was damaged and I was diagnosed with diabetes type I. They just told me that and gave me a prescription for insulin and that was it. For the first years, I lost weight, and when I would check my sugar levels, they were always high. I did not understand why, because I was injecting myself as instructed. Finally, I get a new Doctor, which by the way, is now our life changing family doctor, he took his time to teach me how diabetes damages your body, how to eat, and everything that, as of today, has my sugar levels under control, I have gained weight, but with daily walking, exercise and drinking my glasses of water. I do have nerve damage in my feet and hands, because of the years out of control. There is no cure for this, but I have learned to live with the situation and accept help from my family. There are things I cannot do, but the one or two I still can, like cooking ( my passion), and I enjoy it. I have everyone at home with the same diet. You should do the same and help your loved ones to a new way of life.
