It's his diabetes and we will do it his way.

Micah was 8 when he was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. It was such a shock to all of us but I can remember it like it was yesterday.

For about a month Micah had been wetting the bed 5 out of 7 nights a week no matter what we did and believe me...we tried it all. First we started by cutting back the amount he drank before bed. Then we cut him off... nothing to drink past 6:00 pm but by 7:00 pm he would be in tears telling us he was so thirsty. Even when we would wake him every 2 hours to go to the bathroom he would still wet the bed. I never thought that any of those symptoms would turn out to be diabetes.

I will never forget when the doctor came in and said "we are looking at sugar" and Micah looked up at me and said "See mom, I told you it wasnt diabetes." God love his heart he didnt realize how his life was getting ready to change. Micah tried so hard to be strong and brave but once the doctor started talking about admitting him in the hospital Micah crawled up in my lap and started to cry. It was then I realized I was holding my breath and fighting back the tears too. His blood sugar was so high at that point it would not even read on the office monitor.

Micah spent 4 nights in the hospital. It was like a whirlwind of information and I was certain that I would be the death of my own child simply because of my own ignorance to the disease but we are still here and learning how to live with this every day. Since we left the hospital Micah has been checking his own sugar and giving his own shots. He tried the insulin pump for all of 10 minutes and didnt like it and from that point on we all agree that This is his Diabetes and we will do it his way!

I never imagined

Christina Hyskell
Bristol, TN