It's not all bad

Hey I'm Gilbert usually known as Gil. I am 23 and was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes when I was 25 months. Like most kids I lived a pretty normal life except for finger sticks and shots but kids would pick on me because I was different from them, I got special treatment in school and it just made me a target. When I turned 13 my doctor told me I could eat what I wanted as long as I took the insulin for it but all I heard was eat what you want. I was tired of being picked on and people making a fuss about me being diabetic so I started to skip finger sticks and shots to pretend I was normal and this resulted in me going into DKA over 8 times in the span of 10 years, with the most recent being in February of this year. I lost my dad to diabetes and my brother who is in the picture with me is also diabetic but is doing well. I have a Godson now and while I am still a little upset that I am diabetic I have grown to accept it. I have friends that care and accept me for me and my diabetes and threaten me if they think I am eating to much sugar, I also have a special person who I can't face if I go back to the way I was just a few years ago. I have realized it isn't as bad as I used to believe. I am often asked if I could give up my diabetes would I? My answer is no, it may surprise people but my diabetes has made me who I am and I wouldn't get rid of it because then I wouldn't be me. I guess what I am saying is no matter how bad people make it seem it isn't really that bad.

So my question to you who read this If I was able to change my way of thinking and better myself , why not you?

New Bern, NC