Jazmin's Story

My daughter, Jazmin, was diagnosed with Type 1 last November. At the time she was 6 years old. We thought she had a bad stomach flu at first. After 2 1/2 days of being sick and not keeping anything down, she started complaining of back pain. She became lethargic and began breathing fast. So I rushed her to the hospital were they put an IV in her and started taking blood tests. Looking at my precious child with the breathing mask and all the tubes and monitors, I feared the worst. Then they gave me the news that would change her life forever. They told me that she has Type 1 Diabetes with a BG of 489, she was keto-acidosic, and was close to a diabetic coma. They said they were glad I brought her in when I did. All I could do was thank GOD that this is something she can LIVE with and is treatable. We were then transported to one of the best children's ICU's in our state. She was hospitalized for a week, but the first day and a half was horrible. She was so thirsty, but in fear of her getting sick again, all she could have was a sponge on a stick with water so I could wet her mouth. She kept saying "Mommy, i just want some water". It was heart breaking as a Mother to see your child suffer like that, even though she had the IV and we knew she was being hydrated, she didn't understand. While we were there we received the best care and information for her diabetes. Now she is 7 and doing great!!! She is the most courageous child I have ever seen and takes her injections and finger pricks like a champ. She is doing awesome dealing with her new life style and making sure that "everyone" knows what she can and cant have to eat. Although she does have her "high" and "low" moments, we try to keep her sugar under control. It is really a juggling act and we learn more and more everyday.

LaPlace, LA