
When I was 2 years old my granny convinced my mom, finally, to take me to a doctor. After checking my sugar he told my mom to go straight to the er, and that they would be waiting for us. When we got there they took blood and did some other testing. As they waited I went into a coma and stayed that way for 10 days. The results showed a sugar of 1250. They told my parents to make there peace and say their goodbyes. They explained that I had T1 diabetes and IF I survived I would have to live on shots. Well, obviously I was a fighter. I went through school and college and am now pregnant with my 2nd baby. Sugars are nowhere near controlled no matter how much I check them, but I'm trying and I'm alive. My family was so devistated when I got pregnant that they blamed my husband and told him he "Signed my death sentence." But my A1c went from a 13 down to a 7. Don't limit yourself! Diabetes is NOT what makes you.

Indianapolis, IN