Me and Diabetes

Hi, the first time I met diabetes I was nineteen years old and that was in 1981. Considering that no one in my family history had dealt with diabetes, I would be the first. I have three brothers and three sisters and I am the youngest. I have to say, it was a shock and I was feeling very confused. I didn't know much about it except the my brother-in-law had type II and his type was totally different than type I, which is what I was diagnosed with and then hospitalized. I was scared and it was hard...I had to learn how to eat differently, they tested my sugar periodically and was told that I would have to take insulin for the rest of my life. I was admitted into the hospital on my twentieth birthday and stayed for two and half weeks.I had to learn to take care of myself. I left the hospital and gained some of my weight back and was feeling better. I read everything I could get my hands to gain knowledge of this disease. I was going to be in control.

At 51 years old, I am still living with it and I have seen so many changes in treatments for diabetes and I can tell you that we have come a long way since 1981. I thank God that I am still here and have been able to help some friends and family members with the disease. A couple of family members have been diagnosed with diabetes and my knowledge has helped me answer their questions. My attitude has changed and I no longer ask "why". I watch what I eat, I work out three-four times a week and there are new medications out there that have helped me. I have lost 50 lbs. and I have never felt better.

I am thankful for everything I have and that I was given the strength and the support of my family and friends for always looking out for me and being there when needed. Thank you!

God bless.


Carmen Robreno
Astoria, NY