Me and my son

October of 1984, ,I was 2 years old. My babysitter told my mom that i had been drinking a lot lately, and that she needed to take me and get me checked for Diabetes. Sure enough I was diagnosed as a Type 1 Diabetic. I have had problems, worse is my eyes. I have been Diabetic for 30 years this October. Now fast foreward to January 29, 2013. Had my son at work and one of my co workers thought she smelled a fruity smell on his breath. My wife and I both took off from work and sure enough my son was diagnosed as Type 1 Diabetic at the age of 13 months old. Everyone calls him a mini-me. Since he has been diagnosed I have been trying to do better with mine. I might have diabetes but diabetes does not have me.

Chesapeake, OH