Me, Insulin, and Ed, Ed is not a person...ed is short for "eating disorder." But, I did not start out having your often heard about anorexia or bulimia. I suffered with "diabulimia." For those who may be unfamiliar...diabulimia is the practice of restricting insulin in an attempt to lose weight. Dangerous? bet. However, the results of this fast weight loss became an addiction and soon I was scared to give my insulin at all.

When i found out I was diabetic, I often felt pressured by doctors to keep everything "perfect" including my weight. This strive for perfection sent me into a dangerous pattern of restricting food, restricting insulin, and purging to keep my weight near perfect. All of this began after the birth of my daughter. I was old enought to know better, but too wrapped up in my eating disorder to care that I was slowly killing myself.

After battling for three years, my daughter became the inspiration I needed to get healthy and stay healthy. At three years old, she was able to convince me that I was "beautiful" just the way I was...diabetic and all. I later was put on an insuln pump and proud to say that I have left the dangerous patterns behind me. This March I wrote a book about my battle with diabetes and diabulimia. I did not write it for money, but for continued recovery for myself and to let others who may be battling that they are not alone. And, since the release of my book "Slow Suicide," I have met many people on line from around the world who have been battling as well.

If my journey can prevent others from trying this deadly practice, then my journey has been a success.

Amy Marcle
Milan, TN