
When I was 13 I got really sick, I kept looking up my symptoms in the book of home remedies and I kept telling my mom that it was saying that everything pointed to diabetes. One day my parents took me to the doctor saying that it was time for me to be tested. They said it was just a stomach virus and gave me a medicine full of sugar and told my dad to give me juice.
I was sleeping on the couch so my parents could watch me but come time to take my medicine when my dad tried to wake me there was nobody home as he likes to say, I was in a coma. They rushed me to the E. R and they had to call in specialist to put a heart monitor in threw an artery in my neck. My blood sugar levels were 1300.
I woke up 3 days later and when the nurses asked me if I knew what was wrong I said, "yeah I have diabetes". This was just one of the many things that I did to shock the hospital staff that day. When they brought my first insulin shot I gave it to myself. I was in the hospital for a total of a week before they let me go home and we have been fighting ever since. That was almost 14 years ago.

York Haven, PA