Mummy little Angel

19/04/2011 my daughter had been so sick with mass weight loss, 24hr vomiting, vision issues and much more. After 3 different doctors telling me different things I lost it and walked into my doctors surgery telling my doctor (who was only just back at work after a/l) that she wasn't to touch her and call our family pediatric doctor to access her. After being told he was on rounds at the hospital I then drive like I never have to him and straight away he knew what was wrong. My little girl of only 3 at the time had been so sick for over a year with doctors telling me it was me and settle down. All symptoms had been there the whole time. We spent 10 days in hospital with the first 2 days on edge as she was so sick and they didn't know of the damage done. As I was also 8 months pregnant our little one decided she was ready to meet her big sister. So on the 30/4/2011 we had a new family member. It has been a long road for us as 2 years on we still had big other issues but mum stood her grounds and found a doctor who believed in us and finally again diagnosed with Coeliac Disease, muscle growth leg issues. We have so many other growth issues and yet every day she wakes up and says morning mummy and smiles at me. My daughter is my rock and my angel. No matter what what is thrown at her she takes it on and tells me that it will be ok and she can deal with it. We have meet some magical people along the way to which we hold them close to us as to had some very judging people too. No matter what comes at us we are taking it on and fighting all the way cause some day we know there will be a cure. My angel has told me so

Pelican Waters, Australia