My Journey

At the tender young age of 12 i received the biggest surprise of my life..i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. After my mom noticed i was taken guite a few potty breaks over night she known right away something was my mom suffers from T1D as well. A short week later and many hospital visits later it was confirmed. At such a young age i had no idea what i was walking into and the hard work i would have to put in for the rest of my life. I admit in the beginning i was scared and i struggled with my new lifestyle..but at the ripe mature age of 30 now..I've overcome my fears and its made me a better and stronger person in the long run.

As an adult you take on all the responsibility of staying in the health..with any illness you maybe suffing stay strong and focused..8 months ago i found out i was pregnant with my first child..and i was scared to death..but with a lot of support from my medical staff and family i have a beautiful healthy baby boy due in a few weeks..its definitely hard staying healthy for your child but in the end its all worth that smiling face.

Tia Marie
Upper Marlboro, MD