I was only five years old when i became diabetic. I didn't know what was going on when i was rushed into the hospital. I just knew there was a lot of people there who looked really sad for a long time, i spent weeks in a hospital with people pricking my fingers and doing lot of new things but know one really looked at me and told me i was a diabetic until the day i left to go home where they told me i couldn't eat and drink all the stuff that i use to. As i got older my parents told me i was the type of diabetic where my body doesn't produce insulin and that i'm gonna be a little different from every one else. At first i didn't like it at all but as i got older i realized that diabetes taught me responsibility and that life can be really short if you don't take care of your self. so for the past 11 years I've been taking care of my self like crazy trying to make sure i'm healthy. Now i'm in high school and i'm on the school wrestling team and tennis team and i have done so good with my self that a lot of my close friends don't even know i have diabetes. So i think of my diabetes as more of a lesson or a challenge then a curse cause i wouldn't be the same person i am today with out it.
Christian Beasleymetter, GA