my life

I developed diabetes at age 12 I am now 21 :) I have had my battles with keeping my sugar where it should be, and continue the battle with it. I also have hydrocephalus a malformation of my brain stem (I only have 3/4 of my brain stem. I have trouble learning and only learn one on one, I also have irritable bowel syndrome, dandywalker syndrome, scoliosis, and a heart murmur. I'm all duct taped together I guess you could say haha. I make the most out of my life, I'm a married army wife and have a puppy named abbie. I can do anything anyone else can do just in a diffrent way. everytime I have friends over they stare and cringe everytime I inject my self, it's more than annoying And really makes me irritated. I kind of tell them to not watch because of that reason, I'm kinda insecure in public when I have to inject.

Colorado springs, CO