When my child was 9 months old he got a little cold. The next day he seemed fine. That evening he wet through 4 diapers. Nothing was out of sort except the wetting. The next day he didn't want do anything but lay around. That morning I called the doctor and was told she could not see him and to take him to urgent care when they opened. By the time we got there he was extremely lethargic.They checked him said hold on and left the room. The doc came back in the room seconds later and told me to take my child to the emergency room across the street, a doctor would be waiting. Doctors took my child to the back I heard a doctor scream to a nurse hook this baby up on insulin he's diabetic. I was in shock I looked at the nurse and asked is that my baby they're talking about ??? She said yes. His blood sugar was 1053 they started him on insulin. He spent 10 days in the ICU. I was lucky my child was able to come home. When we got out of ICU and we were released to go home I contacted his pediatric doctor and she told me she would have misdiagnosed my child told me to give him electrolytes (which is full of sugar) and would have killed my child. Needless to say I thanked her for being honest and told her she would no longer be his doctor... fast forward to present my child is now 16 years old. He has not been hospitalized one time in all these sixteen years for his diabetes except for his original diagnosis. My child is my Hero. About 2 years ago my child was also diagnosed with stage 4 Lupus Nephritis. A month after that diagnosis he went blind in one eye. My child is the only known juvenile diabetic to have both type 1 diabetes as well as stage 4 lupus nephritis. Although this is a horrible disease, I know that my child has been touched for a reason.
Kristin SilvaCovington, GA