
February 2007 I had what they thought was a stomach virus, that previous november I had just gotten my braces. After feb, I never really ate anymore..my parents thought I had a eating disorder because all I would do is drink. I lost 45 pounds in 3 months, all my teachers told me that I looked very tired and out of it always. April 1st, 2007 was the day that turned my world upside down. I was getting sick that entire day a few hours after getting sick I started throng up dry blood, my uncle which was EMS thought my appendix may have bursted. Got rushed to the hospital to find out my sugar was way WAY over 600. Since then I have been taking care of my self with insulin shots that I do through an insulin pump. I was a month shy of my 13th birthday. I am now 20 years old going away to college to become a teacher. Diabetes doesnt bring me down..it motivates me more and more to be a healthier. One day there will be a cure we must believe and stay strong!

brooklyn, NY