3 years ago I had a triple bypass the followed by having a Vats done on the left lung. Since then I have stomach problems, O H, dresselers disease, Kidney problems, Nerve problems. Now being treated for D E M ( injections done in both eyes trying to slow the damage done. For those of you just starting to deal with please take it serious. At 46 with to young boys Iam now doing my best to make sure I am around for a little bit more.I still work and I have the bad days, but as long as I wake up in the morning I make the best of it. Another day of time with the boys.My wife is my rock she does not give up on me and And I am not giving up so easy.As a combat vet, this to me is the toughest thing to fight. Please take this disease serious. Like I said in the beging I played around with it now I am dealing with it. Thank You
FredPhiladelphia, PA