Own It!

Hi, my name is Jean and I've had type 1 diabetes since the age of seven. Forty two years later and I still remember that phone call from the doctors office like it was yesterday. Within an hour I was in the hospital and over the next week I learned about meal plans, testing urine in funny glass test tubes and practicing injections on an orange. I also remember my mom asking the doctor how long I would live to which he replied "if she takes care of herself she should live a long, healthy life." He also went on to tell us that research was uncovering some exciting news and that a cure was "just around the corner." I must admit that makes me laugh and almost cry at the same time!!

I'm sharing my story because I want to encourage those who have been newly diagnosed, especially the young people out there. When I was diagnosed I didn't know anyone my age with Diabetes. I heard all kinds of horror stories from people who were much older and It was overwhelming!! I want people to know that Diabetes isn't a death sentence but until there's a cure it is a "life sentence." I encourage you to learn all you can and be your own advocate. Your attitude is the single most important factor when it comes to living "with" Diabetes. You can let it work for you or against you. I've learned that the better I treat my Diabetes the better it treats me. I live a full life, am married, have a wonderful son and love life. My motto has always been "do the best with what you've got." So we have Diabetes... let's own it!

Colona, IL