I was first diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2005. I convinced my doctor and myself that I could control it with exercise and diet. I refused to go on any medication. For a short period of time I was successful. Losing some weight, etc.
Well, I got complacent and backslid.
On 12/12/12 I had a stroke. It was a shock to say the least. Being 52 y.o., overweight and out of shape I had expected a heart attack (kinda morbid I guess, yet true). The lack of control during the event was extremely scary. Fortunately it was a mild stroke, as far as traumatic brain injuries go. No long term effects. Facial droop and speech issues are 99% gone. My glucose was 319 upon admittance to the ER. My A1C at 13.
Well, being "scared straight", I began taking care of my situation. Now being put on multiple meds to address my physical issues. Diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Adhering to a proper diet for diabetes and heart smart. And exercising, I joined the YMCA (cardio & weight machines).
At the beginning of the transformation I weighed 268 pounds, wearing XXL shirts (some stuff at XXXL), and 40" waist. Today, I wear large shirts an 34" waist pants. I weight 203 pounds with a BMI of 30. My diabetes is being managed with diet, exercise, one medication and a strong desire to live. At my endocrinologist appointment on 4/15/13 my A1C was 5.0!
The abusing my body has given me heart disease and almost cost me my life. The stroke caused by damage to my heart from a blocked artery on my heart causing scaring which is where the blood clot came. This has also been fixed via installation of a stent. At least we found the culprit.
I am determined to continue to take every advantage of my opportunity of this "do over". My cardiologist said "fear is a great motivator".
I owe to my family, friends and myself to be around for many more years leading a healthy and happy life. Life truly is good!
Mentor, OH