My name is Shelby Calliham. I am your typical teenager. While I may have diabetes, I have never allowed it to stand between my goals and I have never let it be an excuse of why I cannot reach my true potential, although it has tried to slow me down. I was diagnosed at the age of three, so it has basically always been a part of who I am. I am now 17 years old and I do everything that my friends do. While they may get to eat more, at least diabetes has taught my how to live a healthy life style. I also play softball. Yes, sometimes my blood sugar drops down low and I have to sit the bench; however, this just helps me be grateful for every at bat and inning I get to play. Diabetes can be a tough thing to live with; but personally I feel like it has made me a stronger, more responsible young lady.
Shelby CallihamNorth Augusta, SC