Still Stunned!

Hi, my name is Mandy! I am a wife and a mother of two great girls. So the story begins.....We were vacationing with my parents on the TX coast for Father's Day weekend. I was using the bathroom ALOT!! My Mom is a T1D and asked if she could take my BS. I was resistant because I thought it was silly but gave in after a bit and it was close to 400. I was stunned but still thought it was to crazy to be true, I'm a healthy woman! I work out and I'm not over weight. So, at my insistence that her meter was broken we continued on with our day at the pool and at the beach. Throughout the day she insisted on checking it several more time and by 7pm it was upwards of 600. She begged me to go to the ER! It was crazy because I felt absolutely fine!! Yes, was I getting up at night every hour to pee and was I drinking like I lived in the Saharrah and still feeling like I was so dehydrated but it's summer, IN TEXAS, it was HOT!! After about an hour of discussing, off my Mom and I went on the 30 min drive back to the mainland and into one of the few places in the world I hate, THE ER! I was diagnosed diabetic but not told what Type and the Dr. sent me on my way with a Metphorman RX. I went to my regular Dr. when I got back home. My A1C was 11.7 and the Metphorman RX was useless because I was Type 1. She put me on Levimir and NovoLog injections 4-6 times a day.

And my Diabetic story begins..... I'm stunned, and sad, and taking it day by day.

Mandy from Texas
Type 1 Diabetic and Hating Every Minute of It, CHEESE :)

New Braunfels, TX