The Long Road and Life's Journeys!

I was diagnosed with Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes at age 5. After a week of sickness in which the doctors thought i had the flu, It has nearly killed me and disabled me from doing the things I love.

I must say i have my highs and lows (literally). I must say in this world that even though diabetes feels like a curse its a beautiful thing it makes people who they are. if you ask any diabetic if they would change it or so to say take it back or not have it i guarantee you the response you'll get will be no... now hear me out that when i say they wouldn't take it back i'm not saying they wouldn't want diabetes what ultimately i'm saying is that the opportunity and the responsibility is indescribable. its not only a disease but it has meaning it has made me who i am today the person I've wanted to be. It has made me... me

Lets find a cure!


Aaron Spear
Greenwood, IN