The Miracle Girl

My name is Cassie. I'm 23 years old and my life is always busy. I never seem to stop, until one day my body decided it had enough. I started getting very sick and very tired, I thought it was stress, but I only got worse. I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with diabetes. I was devestated. In those few moments my life changed forever, but little did I know it was only the beginning. My condition only got worse and soon I wasn't able to move my body at all. I was vomiting all the time and hadn't eaten in days and I was dangerously dehydrated. My husband called 911, he saved my life. The nurses even told some of my family if he had called 10 minutes later I probably would have died or went into a coma. When we arrived at the hospital they told me I was in DKA and I was dying. I was in ICU for a week. It was terrible. I had IVs all over me, including my neck. I had DKA, pancreatitis, and pneumonia, not to mention my potassium level was 1! The nurses and doctors told my family they weren't sure I would survive this. But I did! They all have called me, "The Miracle Girl". I'm still fighting trying to regulate and learn about this disease since I'm a new type 1 diabetic. It's tough. It's changed my life forever, it will never be the same. It's hard to deal with but at the same time I'm thankful because it has showed me that I'm stronger than I think & that God isn't done with me yet! I had so many people praying for me & that's what helped pull me through! It's tough, but it can be done and miracles do happen! I'm living proof! God is good and prayer is powerful! Praying for a cure!!!!

Elizabethton, TN