Hi, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in September of 1973. It will be 40 years this coming September and I have absolutely no complications, which is amazing because for the first 10-15 years there were no blood glucose monitors, no insulin pumps, and man made insulin had not been invented yet . . . insulin was taken from cows & pigs. Back then we had to pee on a paper test strip and if it turned dark purple you had high blood sugar, if it turned green you had medium high sugar and if it turned yellow you had slightly high sugar. The needles were much thicker and longer than today. My parents sent me to a summer camp for diabetics (Camp Firefly) and that really taught me how to take care of myself, and more importantly, it showed me that there were other kids that were just like me. We have come a long way but we NEED A CURE!
Eat well, stay active, think positive, and TEST, TEST, TEST!!!
Boyertown, PA