Type 1, Resilient and managing every day!

A type 1 diagnosis after loosing 120lbs and backpacking through Europe wasn't exactly what I had in mind. However, after being admitted to the ICU with a 860 blood sugar in full blown DKA my diagnosis was clear. I left my week and a half hospital stay terrified wondering how I would ever manage to live with this disease as a young woman in college with her whole life ahead of her. Ten years later full of ups and downs..literally.. and with two healthy pregnancies, I am proudly living as healthy type 1 diabetic. I have days where the extreme fatigue, random mood swings and inopportune lows bother me. I also have those days where looking in the mirror at my black and blues and hard skin spots on my stomach from years of injection sites makes me embarrassed and discouraged. What I try to remember most often is how lucky I am to be alive. I am a resilient wife and mother dealing daily with life responsibilities on top of the added responsibilities as a diabetic. The help of my battery operated pancreas (insulin pump) and contour meter help keep me controlled and I find are less taxing then shot injections. I enjoy educating individuals on diabetes to clear up any confusion and proudly test and pull out my pump in public. Life is short and I am blessed. I live by the quote "Never regret growing older, it's a privilege denied to many."

Somers, CT