I was 4 weeks post op from major back surgery with a 5 month old when my 9 year old was suddenly constantly thirsty and needing to use the restroom to the point that his teacher called to discuss it with me. I called our PCP and told her I needed to get my son in whenever was next available. When I told her why she insisted I bring him in immediately, that those were signs of diabetes! Wait, what?! Sure enough, we spent the following 3 days at Children's Hospital getting our crash course on handling this completely unfamiliar disease. My sons very 1st words to the Dr were "can I still play football?" He's a Junior in HS now and has played every year since his diagnosis! He also runs track and went to the state championships for power lifting last season! It's not easy, not for any of us, but you live and you learn and most important you never give up!

Karey Waelchli
Cleveland, OK