What....I have Diabetes...what is that?

I was at the Mall with my Mum and couldn't get enough to drink felt like I had sand in mouth. I had 2 cans of soda while we were at the mall we left as I didn't feel very well. The next day I couldn't get out of bed couldn't lift my head off the pillow, my Dad carried me to the car we had no idea what was wrong with me and headed to the local clinic. They took me into the Emergency area as I was barely conscious I threw up bile everywhere...I will never forget the taste of that disgusting stuff. The nursing staff went into panic mode pricking me prodding me they found my sugar level was elevated and ordered an ambulance to take me to the regional hospital.

Came to find out I had Type 1 Diabetes....I had never ever heard of Diabetes what was this? At the age of 16 my life was changed for ever I'm now 41 and glad to say I haven't had any complications from the disease yet. I'd love to say I have good control but I'd like to have BETTER control of it. People ask how do you live with it I say I'd rather have Diabetes than many other conditions that you can't live a normal life with. I try to stay positive and active I have been lucky enough to be a mother of 2 boys. When I was first diagnosed they said I shouldn't have children being pregnant was far too risky, well I'm glad times have changed and got to experience being a Mother even though pregnancy was a lot to keep up with I'm glad to say both my boys are happy and healthy because of the medical teams that helped me through the 9 months.

I don't give up hope that one day there will be a cure and Diabetes will be a disease of the past!

Groton, MA