Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My two rescue kitties 11 years later!

My two rescue kitties 11 years later!

This is Feather (fury) and Mckenzie (white). They are the most wonderful companions and they love each other so much!! Feather was the last kitten alive after a wild dog attacked her litter. Mckenzie was one of about 50 feral kittens. They are so loving and have been my best friends for their whole lives. They are active and playful! They have traveld with me to 6 diferent homes and now we are all here in our forever home!!

Cambridge, MD

Katie Lady

Katie Lady

I rescued Katie from an inner city tenement block where some kids had cut half her tail off and thrown her out a 4th story window when she was a kitten. She has permanent nerve damage as a result, shakes alot, and used to ping-pong so bad against the furniture when she first arrived that I was afraid she'd bonk her brains out! As you can see, she's completely adapted now, and really enjoying her New Life in our lovely home. Her crazie antics give me a daily giggle! : )

Westport, CT

We got lucky with Sadie!

We got lucky with Sadie!

I was searching online for a white pageant dress for my daughter and an ad for a rescued dog, through a rescue shelter, caught my eye. The wonderful foster family who took her in were looking for a permanent home for a sweet little lab-mix girl named Sadie. The foster family said when she was first rescued she was emaciated with dull fur and injured in several places. I wanted her and, as soon as the foster family nursed her back from the injuries, they allowed us to adopt her! At first she was timid and cautious, however, she has opened up so much and has an incredible amount of life in her - she is grateful for the life she has now and she lets it show! Sadie is the most loving, communicative & sweet girl and she even smiles! She loves spending the day with my retired-from-the-Marine Corps husband and follows him wherever he goes & snuggles up with him - she is a definitely a dad's girl but when I get home from work I have my sweet Sadie greeting me with big smiles, showing teeth and all, dancing around in excitement welcoming her mom home! Adopting Sadie is one of the best decisions we have ever made and we cannot imagine our Sadie not being a part of our family! She's had some hard times in her earlier life but she has a new life now without worries - she's happy and she lets it show that her rough past is exactly that - in the past.

Sparta, TN

my champion

my champion

Champ was literally skin and bones and wounds and fleas when I first saw him, and I knew I had to bring him home with me. He's now a handsome darling, naughty and sweet, and protector of our home. He even won in the charity dog dash! He's my champion!

Mika Roxas
Manila, Philippines



I went to the humane society not looking for a dog but I when I came to a kennel with a sign that said "I am deaf" my heart sank. His name was Jeckle but the assisant told me that he sticks to you like velcro. I quickly filled out my application and adopted "Velcro". He is the smartest and most sincere dog you have ever met.

Lincoln, CA



One day, in the year 2000, while at the Vet's Clinic, we saw a little Kitty around 5 months old in a cage. He was waiting for someone to take him home. You see, for 4 months, he had been living outside in the cold wet weather. He had no one to love him or take care of him. Lovingly, he was rescued and brought to our Vet's Clinic where we adopted him. We named him Felix. Since we still were sad over the loss of our first 14 year old cat named Gumdrops, we felt that he was likewise rescuing us! When we are sick, Felix is there. When we want to play, Felix is there. When food falls on the floor, yes, Felix is there. No, Felix is not a dog. But, he sure acts like one! You see, when we brought Felix home, he was introduced to a playmate,...our 8 year old Shitzu dog named Buster. Buster, who sadly died in 2006, taught Felix so much. Felix rolls over for tummy rubs. He will run to the door when the door bell rings. And he also loves, and begs for,... dog biscuits. Although he acts like a dog, he pounces and "play attacks" like a cat. Through the stairwell rails, he waits to prey on his next victim, which is ANYONE or Anything. Although Felix is now 9 years old, he still has lots of energy and love to give. Yes, Felix may feel we rescued him, but truly,
we all feel, we were ....."Rescued By Felix".

The Gayhart Family
Knoxville, TN



Java was a beautiful bengal cat that somehow became the neiborhood stray. He had a pemanent eye problem which may have led to him being unwanted. People would feed him, but no one truly wanted to adopt him. I found him hanging out by the side of the road one day and picked him up. From that moment on, he has been a very happy member of our family. He loves being the center of attention, getting into things, and adores drinking water from the faucet. Java will be a part of our family forever.

Sara Baez
Boerne, TX

How do you know she's the one?

How do you know she's the one?

When we went to the shelter to find a dog to adopt, it didn't take me long to find her. Chibi was the 9th dog I saw and as I looked into her cage, she walked up and put her paw out to touch me. I told my husband that she was the one I wanted. As we went to the viewing room to play with her, she was timid and scared. My husband asked me, "How do you know she will be the one?". Right then, she climbed up on his leg and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. We knew right then she was the one. We don't know her story during her first year, but every day she reminds us why we adopted her. Not a day goes by that we don't say how greatful we are to have her with us. She has been a wonderful addition to our family. She gets along with every animal she meets and loves playing with her big sister, Tinkerbell (a rabbit).
North Las Vegas, NV



Riley came to us by way of our son and daughter-in-law. They adopted him from a Sacramento, Ca. animal shelter. He had been found in a sorry condition wandering in downtown Sacramento. He had been badly abused with rifle pellets in his back leg and ear. He suffered the results of a broken front leg that had never been set. After being brought to the shelter, he was given the name "Tex"----important to remember. Lisa and Kevin adopted him as our son had been raised with Irish Setters and "Tex" was an Irish/Golden Retriever mix. They renamed him Riley. When our beloved Lab died a year later, Kevin asked if we would like Riley as he and Lisa both now worked and couldn't give him the attention they felt he needed. We emphatically said YES. Kevin and Riley made the long drive to our home, and now, six years later, we ;feel very lucky to have such a good and loving dog. And where does our California Tex now call home---- where else but Texas.

Diane Baker
Georgetown, TX



This is Joey. I went outside to dump the recyclables and there he was, looking at me like I'd kept him waiting. It was a small fortune getting him healthy, but it was so worth it...he's a very special boy. And yes, he is as crazy as he looks in the picture!

Phoenix, AZ