Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Coda the Alpaca Dog

Coda the Alpaca Dog

When I went to the local Humane Society to find a dog, they told me that the large dogs were outside and that I was free to go look. As I turned to go, two paws and one head peeked over the top edge of the counter. His ears were perked and he was smiling. That was it--love at first sight. I brought him home and he immediately made himself comfortable on the living room couch. But since then he has earned his keep. Coda became the "alpaca dog". He breaks up fights between the male alpacas and baby sits the newborn crias. When I can't find him I have learned to look under the shade tree in the pasture and there he is spending quality time with his herd.

Kathy Joseph
Grand Junction, CO



Brandy and Sandy are sisters that my son and I rescued from the RSPCA in July of 1999. Maxine the Bulldog was a bonus that I bought 8 months later.
It has been 10 years now since I have shared my home, life, and heart with these wonderful creatures that are truly my girls. I can not imagine life without them. Unfortunately time goes so quickly. And all 3 are showing their ages now. They may move slower, sleep more, have pains in their joints. But if you look closely, you can still catch that climpse of puppy in them. The unconditional love I have received from all of them is more than I could have ever hoped for.
They are my life, my heart, my girls, and my daughters. We have from time to time sleeping parties in my bed. They are all 3 pretty big and do not give mommy much room. (but what the heck, they enjoy it.)
I will forever be greatful to all 3. As these are my first dogs ever. The lessons they have taught me. Patience, understanding, true love,and every thing else that would be to much to write. Is more than any one could read in a book. Or learn on their own.
I would like to share with you one of the 10 Pet Commandments.
10. On the ultimate journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
And when my girls time has come. I will go, and mourn, and give it time. Then once again open my heart, home, and life to adopting 2 or more bundles of joy.
I love you! Brandy, Sandy, and Maxine.

Lucinda Turk
Greensburg, PA

Meet our Lucky Louie

Meet our Lucky Louie

Meet our Lucky Louie.....Mr. Louis to his close family.

Louie was found in a junk yard with his two sisters. They were abandoned there with no food or water for a couple weeks before Blue Dog Rescue found them and took them in. They had mange all over their bodies; severely dehydrated and malnourished. After a few days of recovery, Louis' two sisters died of Parvovirus. This disease being highly contagious, Blue Dog Rescue was expecting the worse and that little Louie would not make it. Days went by and Louie grew stronger and after final examination, he was healthy and without disease.

My wife found him first and it was just a picture of a baby pup with the biggest brown eyes on the Blue Dog Rescue website. She fell in love with him. After our 4 year old lab, Razor, died from Diabetes a few months before, she showed me Louis and we had to adopt.

Our 9 year old, Blackjack, was missing his brother Razor and ask us for another baby brother, so we introduced him to Louie. They became best friends right off. Louie followed Blackjack everywhere and would nip at him and bite his ears. Blackjack is so patient with him, correcting him occasionally. Blackjack is always keeping an eye on him as a big brother should.

Today, Lucky Louie is a beautiful, healthy, 2 year old lab, with a loving family. Thank you Blue Dog Rescue for saving him.

Ana and Tom
Round Rock, TX

My Little Bundle of Joy

My Little Bundle of Joy

I found Hermes on Pet Finder just before Christmas, he had been rescued from a local breeder. The picture was so adorable, with a little red bow, it was stated that he needed extra love and care. I fell in love with him and picked him up on Christmas Eve.
Little did I know what I was getting myself into...he had a skin condition ... herpes and an ulcer in his eye. I took him to the vet and ophthalmologist for several months. Many times during my ordeal, people told me to let him go.
I am so happy that I stuck it through with this guy, he is so thankful and is such a bundle of joy to me and my other feline companions I couldn't image my life without him. He wakes me up every morning my licking the hair on my head. So many kisses and so much love.

Cynthia Wojtowycz
Sterling Heights, MI

Joey Boy

Joey Boy

I had been looking for a new kitty after losing my beloved "Murphy" to cancer last year. Murphy was a foundling that lived to be 18 years old and was very much missed. I found "Joey" - believed to be a Himalayin/Rag Doll mix - through Pet Finders. When I first saw him, he was in a back corner of a small room with many other cats who also needed homes. He was ill with horrible ear mites, a urinary tract and upper respiratory infection and didn't seem to care much what I did with him. After a lot of love and care, he is now completely well and full of mischief. He brings my husband and I continual joy. I not only was able to get this little animal back to health, but I now have another wonderful "life time" friend. He follows me everywhere.

Sharon Schuck
Jarrettsville, MD

Roxy - Rescued to Helping

Roxy - Rescued to Helping

This is Roxy. I met her when she was jumping up outside to see in a window at my vet's office in Webster, SD. She had been a stray in town for a long time and was scheduled to be put to sleep that weekend. I took her home instead. It didn't take long to discover that she was cut out for more. After moving to Wisconsin I was put in contact with a lady who did training for therapy dog teams. Roxy and I went to training and became a certified therapy dog team. As a school psychologist and counselor, I was able to bring Roxy to school with me for the past three and a half years. We help students practice reading, work with social skills, comfort students and just provide a happy face. Now, people forget my name but they always know Roxy's!

Niki Hale
Clayton, WI

My boys......

My boys......

When my children were small, they asked me to go to the shelter to look at the dogs. Next thing I knew, we were coming home with Oscar (front). We were already his third home and he was only 8 months old. He has been a part of our family for almost 11 years now and we couldn't love him more. When it was time for my boyfriend to look for a dog we returned to the same shelter and adopted Cam (in rear, seen comforting Oscar who was sad because I was about to leave on a brief vacation without him). Cam was abandoned and wound up in a kill shelter.....and was then transported to the shelter where we found him. He is sweet and loyal. He loves everybody and everybody loves him. I am grateful to have found both of my boys.

Sue Torres
W. Hartford, CT

Our "Rescues" Rescued Us!

Our "Rescues" Rescued Us!

My husband and I were each adopted by an "unconventionally rescued" pet -- rescued not from shelters, but from less-than-ideal living situations.

I fell madly in love with Zipper, a 5-year-old, 16-lb standard Yorkie, when he was the "resident pet" in an Assisted Living Facility where I worked in 2002. A history of improper care led to a life-threatening illness, resulting in Zip's "retiring" and becoming my full-time "child." I've had many pets, but Zippy is my first dog -- and our bond is unlike any other I have ever experienced. We had another recent scare -- diabetes leading to a stroke. He's recovering nicely now, and his strength and bravery throughout have been an inspiration. Each day is a gift.

In 2003, were given a 5-lb, 2-year-old Yorkie by a family who runs a reputable, licensed in-home breeding operation. Their favorite -- "Powder-Puff" (or "Puffer" as we now call her) -- was a terrible breeder and aggressive toward their other females. Tearfully, they gave her up for the good of the others. She went from the arms of her big, bearded, bear-like "Daddy" straight into the heart of her new big, furry "Poppa-bear", and has lived there ever since! (She's still a bit of a terror, but big brother Zipper is so easy-going that it's rarely a problem.)

Our "family" may be unconventional, but we seem to belong together -- and that's what counts!

Rhonda Newport
Coconut Creek, FL

June Bug Many Toes

June Bug Many Toes

We first noticed June Bug in the spring of 2004. We were getting ready to build our home on some acreage we had owned for 8 years and we would see her sitting on a rock watching us every day. One day I decided to "talk" to her. Once the "here kitty" was said, June Bug came running down the hill meowing with every step (photo above). Someone had dumped her and she had been surviving on the land by eating bugs and mice. We named her "June Bug Many Toes". Who could not love a personality like that? She found her forever home and we promised her she would never be hungry or lonely again. She is still a talker and slaps us on the back of the legs with her six-toed big paws if her bowl gets down below the rim.

DiAnne Wasson

DiAnne Wasson
The Dalles, OR

Foster Parents

Foster Parents

Eight years ago my husband & I moved onto our dream property, 3 acres of land with a huge garage and a good sized home.
The first few years we had a really big vegetable garden, we weeded and picked and canned......for the next couple of years we spent a lot of time putting in new fencing an maintaining the grounds.

Last year we became involved with a local rescue group: Animal Friends Rescue Project located in Pacific Grove. We finally found the best use for all that yard space! We took in our first foster pup, a beautiful 1.5 year old lab named Lady. she wasn't with us for 3 weeks before finding a forever home with a local dog lover.
Since September we have had 4 other foster babies, one named Sasha that stole my hubby's heart and became our own.

I have met so many great people during the events that I have attended with our rescue group, and can't even imagine my life without barking dogs greeting me when I come home from work each day. The unconditional love from these little guys is unmatched.

I wish there weren't so many animals in shelters and living in poor conditions, and am proud that I can be at least the tiniest bit helpful in finding loving homes for just a few.

Leslie McGee
Watsonville, CA