Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Rambo & Otis

Rambo & Otis

I found these two sweet brothers outside in the shrubs at work. After several hours of chasing them in that bush, I was finally able to catch them both and take them home. My husband was severely allergic to them both, but after a couple of months (and 3 air purifiers later) we all adjusted to each other. I love them dearly and our house never feels empty thanks to my kids with fur. In all, I have rescued 10 cats at my office and I have enjoyed every minute of it! I am sad to say we seem to be a drop off point for these poor animals, but I will continue my efforts to find each one of them a loving home. I now have the new title of "the cat lady".

Wendy & Doug
Alpharetta, GA

Brown Eyes

Brown Eyes

When those brown eyes looked at me from her kennel at the shelter, my heart melted. But she was being treated for heartworm which made her a special needs adoption. She would need to be on 6 weeks of rest in her kennel before being allowed to run and play. With much trepidation, I took her home and washed that "shelter smell" away. Apparently no one at the shelter had explained to her about the restrictions she was on, because she was so excited to have finally been chosen!

As soon as the six weeks were up, we went on our first outing to the park! What joy! Gracie is the happiest, best behaved, and most lovable dog we could possibly ask for. We never miss her monthly heartworm preventative. And those brown eyes still melt my heart.

Coppell, TX

Wild about Harry

Wild about Harry

I saw a picture of Harry on the Great Lakes Wire Fox Terrier Rescue website. He and I have been together for a year now and while he is a wily rascal much of the time, he is the most lovable of fellows. Life is much more interesting with Harry. He was saved from Death Row in an animal shelter by this excellent, vigilant and very caring rescue/foster organization.

Diane Dues
Ypsilanti, MI

I believe dogs find you.

I believe dogs find you.

Honey found me in the Ocala National Forest, 30 miles from any town. She was so thin when she found me she didn't have enough nurishment to grow her hair. You can see in the photos I took when I brought her home her hair was so short, there was only a tuft of long hair on the end of her tail, we almost called her Leo because her tail looked like a lion's tail. Once she started getting some food in her the hair started growing, and her tail has grown extra long and extra thick compared to what it was. She is very affectionate and will lay next to me with her head on my chest and stare into my eyes. She has gold eyes, and I stare back into her eyes and say to her, "I am so glad you found me."

Kathleen Malpass
Altamonte Springs, FL

South Paw

South Paw

Hank is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi that a friend found at a control center in Nashville. He only had days left... My husband drove all the way from Western Massachusetts to rescue him. In his new town, he's an amazing snow-loving pup with a Southern bark. Hank loves hiking, chasing tennis balls and frisbees, and snuggling on the couch to watch a good movie. The notion that anyone could surrender this dog is beyond us, but we're so grateful Hank's ours.

Anne Pinkerton
Easthampton, MA

Little Hitchiker

Little Hitchiker

We were coming home from grocery shopping one Sunday afternoon in November 2007 and as we rounded the curve just before the turnoff to our house we saw this little ball of fluff running frantically up and down the middle of the highway. We were right next to a commuter parking log, so we honked until he ran in there (fortunately the oncoming traffic stopped to allow this and let us turn in behind him).
We got out of the vehicle and tried to coax him to us, but he went under our truck and just barked at us. Finally we opened the doors and stepped back. He jumped right in and we jumped in after him and closed the doors.
We then drove to neighboring homes to see if he belonged to anyone (it's a rural area - not many people live right there). He was not a "local" and we were told many dogs get dumped at that parking lot.
He went home with us - fur matted, drooling madly (from fear), thin, and flea infested. He was thin, but his little red collar (no tags, of course) was getting too tight. At first we left him in our yard - not sure how our other four dogs would react. Within an hour he was inside with us, brushed, bathed, fed. And ours forever.

Anne Steele
Westphalia, MO

Happiness x2

Happiness x2

My husband & I found Dudley & Foxy through when we weren't even looking to have a dog but who could resist those smiles? They had been neglected and abused in different households but, re-bonded in the shelter (they are brother & sister from the same litter) and it was required they be adopted together. Adopting 2 dogs was a decision we have never regretted as they show us love and those warming smiles every day we get home + their playing together is enjoyable to watch and giggle over as they 'bicker' over who gets which toy.

Cris Lemire
Goffstown, NH

Rescue Story

Rescue Story

My son and I found Harley when we were out for a walk. We heard a noise coming from a bush and when I checked it out I saw black and white fur..and thought it was a skunk! But the little fur ball turned its head and it was a tiny puppy. I had told my husband we needed a second dog and 6 years later he still teases that I planted Harley under that bush. She is the best dog ever and we love her to pieces!

Denice Gerstenberg
Clinton Township, MI

Our clown kitty

Our clown kitty

Tucker was dropped off at a week old (along with three other kittens)at the humane society where I was working about two years ago. Another vet technician and I took turns fostering them... bottle feeding and tube feeding. Unfortunately, two of the babies didn't make it, but Tucker and his sister (she was adopted by a wonderful family) were fighters! Tucker had a bad infection in his left eye which left him blind, but hasn't slowed him down a bit! His favorite toys are a plastic bag, a Q-tip and a clothespin. When he wants to be petted, he'll reach out and grab your hand with his paw and pull it to him. He has brought such joy to our lives. He keeps us laughing at his silly antics, and keeps us completely captivated by how sweet and loving he is. Our home would be much more empty without this little guy to share it with us.

Joan Bailey
Gilby, ND

My Romeo

My Romeo

During summer break from college, I worked at a pet store across the state. One day a woman brought in a tiny fluffy kitten who she'd found on the street. The store was apprehensive to try to sell him, because after an initial vet visit, we discovered he had an enormous inguinal hernia. I felt bad for him, and would take him out of his kennel to play with him after the store was closed. Right from the start, he was a cuddler. He loved my curly hair, and would snuggle up close to my face to touch and play with my hair, purring like crazy. I immediately fell in love, and knew his name would be Romeo - my little lover kitty :) I hadn't been planning on getting a cat, or any new pet, anytime soon but I knew in my heart he was meant to be part of my family. I repaid the store for his initial vet bill and brought him back for his hernia repair surgery and neuter. The store let me keep him there while I worked off the rest of the summer, then he made the 300+ mile drive with me across the state back to school. Years later, every night he cuddles with me, playing with my hair and purring as we both fall asleep. He brightens my day, each and every day; my Romeo is my little blessing :)

Pullman, WA