Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Rescued Kitten

Rescued Kitten

Rocky was one of five kittens whose Mother is a Feral Cat. I rescued all five and four of them were adopted. I still have Rocky and I will keep him. I lost a cat about two weeks ago that looked a lot like Rocky, so I guess it was meant to be.

Kitty Kesselman
Feasterville, PA

Lucky Kitties

Lucky Kitties

These twin brothers, Taymon and Tarquin, were born at the side of my house underneath my husband's workbench. Their mother was feral, and she abandoned them as soon as they were weaned. Every day I put food and water out for them. They were two tiny, hungry orphans alone in a big, cruel world, and I knew they would soon become coyote food if I didn't do something! So, I captured them and took them into my home. They were feral, frightened, and flea-bitten, but after lots of love, veterinary care, and good food, they became my friends and companions. These little clowns amuse me daily with their silly antics. I cannot imagine how I ever lived without them! And who says black cats are not lucky?

Sandra O.
Chula Vista, CA

Thief in the Night

Thief in the Night

A Boston Terrier and Beagle mix.
I call her Bandit because she is a thief.
For she stole my heart...
Found as a puppy, abandoned and abused, dying from malnutrition and worms.
I didn't know if she would make it or not.
Many tears were shed and many prayers answered for her.
I felt a bond with this dog the very minute I saw her.
I had been abused in a past relationship, so I knew what she had been through.
I wanted to give her the same love and care that had been given to me.
Bandit has been with me now for 2 years.
Each and every day she reminds me that God is still there.
She is a very special dog and I am thankful she came my way.
She gives me so much love. More than I will ever deserve, but I know within her, lives an angel.

Laura Franklin
Spruce Pine, NC

Belle: The Little Clone

Belle: The Little Clone

After losing our beloved 10 year old Rott, Chey, our hearts were broken. Especially the heart of our 8 year old lab mix, Scout. It didn't take long before we knew Scout needed a new sibling and NOW. That was when we found Belle. She was at a local shelter and had come in as a stray the day before Chey passed away. It is a little eerie how much she is like the sister she never met. Every day we discover new things she does that we only thought Chey would do. That is why we call her Chey's clone. She has been a savior to all of us and we can't imagine life without her.

Jodi Rummel
Reno, NV

Rescued by my rescue dog

Rescued by my rescue dog

2 years ago I was feeding some donkeys and the jack got spooked and kicked my right arm. The doctor said amputation but was able to save it after a day long surgery. Toby, my border collie/husky, mix took care of me for nearly my entire recovery. She moved my clothes basket to the laundry room, carried bottles of water and mail for me, and even learned to hold the sheets in her mouth to help me make my bed. I wouldn't have made it through multiple surgeries and this long, painful process without her.

April Mattox
Cullowhee, NC

The Perfect Puppy

The Perfect Puppy

We got Foxy from my aunt who had kids and had no time to play or take care of her anymore. I took Foxy in since I so dearly loved her and had asked for her since I was in Grade 4. Foxy had tooth problems, skin conditions, ect. I took care of her and took her to the vet. Now she is a little loving 7-year old bundle of cuteness with the biggest Chihuahua x/ Mini Pinscher eyes in the world! My best friend, my buddy.

Calgary, Canada

Foster Mom

Foster Mom

Maui has a feral cat problem and we had two female cats living in our backyard who had been born there a year ealier. They both became pregnant and one Sunday morning I was in my backyard clearing brush when I heard crying. After moving a discarded lawn mower, I found two tiny kittens both with their placentas attached, and one still in the birth sac. I broke open the birth sac and vigourously rubbed until the kitten began to breathe. Their mother didn't return, so I called the local humane society. Fortunately the control agent who came to pick them up let me know that they would be allowed to die as they didn't have a foster program. I couldn't let that happen so I quickly learned how to feed and care for them. The next day, I found the rest of the litter abandoned. Sadly, one was already dead and another didn't make it.
The other mother cat had her kittens a couple days later, but did a great job taking care of them. About three weeks later, I heard peeping and found the two kittens from the second litter. We then made arrangements to capture the mother cats and have them spayed. Already having three cats, we decided that we were only able to keep two of the four and found homes for the other two (although one returned and we now have three of the original kittens). I enjoyed taking care of the them so much that I now volunteer as a foster mom and have hand-raised another litter.

Kahului, HI

Love on Four Skinny Legs

Love on Four Skinny Legs

I found Lucy wandering the streets, hungry, cold and dirty on December 26, 2008. She had no collar or chip. There were no 'dog lost' posters or internet postings. The people at the house nearby told me to take her. She had been there for a week but they couldn't care for another animal. So I took the little dog, who later became Lucy, with me with every intention of taking her to a no kill shelter. I am a cat person. I have 5 indoor cats; 4 ferals outside. I don't understand dogs. I drove 40 miles to my home with the exhausted little dog on my lap and she became mine. I still don't understand dogs but I love this funny little creature who poops on my floor and chases my cats (it's getting better). Animals and people come into our lives for a reason: In this case, Lucy is Love.

Charlotte Nicks
Magnolia, TX

A Second Chance

A Second Chance

A little over 3 years ago upon leaving our favorite restaurant, we spotted a very young kitten walking along the street. My husband stopped the car and I jumped head first into the ivy hoping to save a life. Covered with fleas and black goo which left her unable to open her mouth, an examination by our vet found that she suffered from internal parasites, starvation and severe dehydration. Had we not found her he figures she had about 24 hours to live, so we named her Chance. Chance has developed a heart on her left shoulder and has definitely found a place in our hearts and our home where she and her dog Kyla play everyday.
Buena Park, CA



Shadow showed up at our door one day skinny and covered in fleas. After a couple days of him hanging around we decided to take him. Now, almost 2 years later, he is healthy, happy...and king of the house!

Hilton Head Island, SC