Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Rolling with Polly

Rolling with Polly

This dog kept rolling no matter what obstacles were put in her way. The animal rescue wasn't kidding when they said she was a very special dog. She gradually lost the use of her back legs after attempting to stop a home robbery. Polly is the hero in our family and inspires us to keep rolling - no matter what.

New York, NY

BeBe Lori

BeBe Lori

My Siberian husky, Yuri, died from cancer when he was 12. I moped and cried for over a month when one day in desperation, I stopped at the pet supply/adoption center. I found this beautiful tabby that looked like she could use my loving as much as I could use hers. We had been dog people for 21 years; I think I see being cat people for the next 21.Whoever said cats don't love like dogs does not know mine! She has filled the hole in my heart that was left by Yuri. Wonder how he feels about this turn of events!!

Linda Isrel
Cutler Bay, FL

Fish's Story

Fish's Story

Fish and I found each other after someone abandoned him at a local mountain biking area. (His name is Fish because he smelled like he'd been eating fish from one of the ponds near there.) Not knowing if he had been abandoned or was just lost, I tried to get him to stay in the area. As I was leaving, he would jump in my van and I would take him out of it. Finally, he looked up at me with really sad eyes as if to say "you're going to leave me here, aren't you?". I knew right then that we belonged together. Eleven years later, he's still going strong and loves his new life.

Linn Bishop
Tulsa, OK

From rags to riches...

From rags to riches...

When we decided to bring a dog into our lives, we made a conscious decision to go through a rescue. I found a local rescue which accepted our application and brought over a special dog which they felt met our needs and hers. She was pretty ragged when we first saw her, her hair was thin, she had been rescued from a puppy mill with terrible conditions. We fell in love immediately and took her straight to Pet Smart to load up on all the goodies she needed. She had allergies very badly, we tried all kinds of food, but she would still itch and her hair would fall out. We have had her on the BARF Diet, frozen patties now for 6 months and she is thriving, as you can see in her picture, no more allergies, no more shots. She lives the life of a princess. She has brought more joy to our family than we ever thought possible. I think she knows she was rescued and appreciates how well we take care of her. She is so loving.

Teresa Young
Loudon, TN

Marley and Presley

Marley and Presley

Marley and Presley rescued me I didn't rescue them. After having my heart broken by a cheating husband and now going through a divorce these wonderful Dogue de Bordeauxs are the love of my life. Although I don't have children they are my children and GOD Blessed me 2xs!

K. Royal
Cincinnati, OH



My best friend, Krisi, had seen Ellie wandering down a country road twice before she finally stopped to pick her up. i went over to visit Kristi and immediately spotted this wiggly, lovable, bundle of red and white fur. it was love at first sight for me and she laid in the passenger seat on the drive home, never taking her eyes off of me. that was how Ellie found her forever home with me, her big black German Shepard buddy, Bubba Gus and her matching red and white kitty, Sooooper Kitty!

patti coffee
cedar park, TX

My Angel

My Angel

Angel was a 6 week old puppy when she and her litter mates were left at a kill shelter. Second Chance Rescue of Novato,Ca. rescued the whole litter. Because Angel was so sickly, she was 9 weeks before she could be put up for adoption. It was love at first site when I saw her. She is a Xoloitzcuintle, pronounced Show-Low-Eats-Queen-tle (A hairless breed) and has brought such happiness into my life. She is 22" in height and weighs 50 pounds. She is now 10 years old and every day amazes me with her intelligence. And, best of all, there is no shedding and no fleas.

Jacksonville, IL

Debo Dog

Debo Dog

Debo, a 5 year male rottweiler was abandoned by his owner. Left alone in the yard without food or water, friends brought him to their house. Already having 2 other Rotties, they could not keep him. I went over to see the abandoned dog and that is when Debo adopted me! He instantly became my new family memeber and lived like a king to the ripe old age of 15. He was my protector, companion and best friend and I miss him dearly.

Anne Chechile
Ventura, CA

The Best Day Ever

The Best Day Ever

I was living in Santa Clarita, CA. alone and I wanted a dog. I went to Petco every Sunday when they had adoptions. A couple of months went by but I just didn't click with any of them. I decided to go one more time. While waiting for them to put a leash on one of the dogs I thought about a man came in with a young boy about 4 or 5 and he had the most adorable little white ball of fluff with him. He handed her leash to the lady. I looked at her she was looking at me, I looked at the man and he just shrugged his shoulders and walked out-no emotion. I imemdiately asked if she was available for adoption, they said yes as soon as she could finish the paper work. I said "I want her"- it was love at first site. They wanted a $100.00 - which at that time I couldn't afford but knew I had to have her! (Somebody didn't get paid that month)I asked where she came from and they said they found her in the desert at 3 months old. The man that returned her had her for 4 months. His excuse for returning her was that "the (very young)kids" didn't take care of her"! She was now 7 months old. I took her home. She was petrified of loud noises, children running and obviously was tormented by those kids. She came out of her shell after a month and has been a delight ever since. She has a quirky personality & everyone falls in love with her at first meet. I thank God often for blessing me with her.

Caroline Palatucci
Carlstadt, NJ



Hi, my name is Sue Chalmers, and I am the Kennel Manager at Lusaka Animal Welfare Society, based in Zambia, Africa. Vincent came to LAWS as a tiny kitten that had been plucked out of a drain during a heavy rain storm here back in January 2008. He was missing an ear, had cat flu, was emaciated and not expected to pull through. With a lot of nursing care, he survived, although has been left with upper respiratory tract damage that sometimes affects his breathing and causes him to sneeze a lot! Many people passed him by as he looked kinda strange with his one ear......hence the name, after Vincent Van Gogh! I eventually decided to adopt him myself, as I could give him the on-going care that he would need for the rest of his life. He is THE most adorable little guy, and I couldn't imagine living without him! We have over 30 cats and kittens, and over 50 dogs and puppies at the shelter in our care. We do not euthanize, and try constantly to re-home with permanent new owners. Funding is always a struggle, we hold various fundraisers throughout the year, and carry out mass rabies vaccination campaigns, funds permitting, in impoverished areas of the city. We also are members of WSPA. Please contact me if you would like to know more about LAWS and what we do! Sue Chalmers, LAWS Kennel Manager.

Sue Chalmers
Lusaka, Zambia