Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

What Courage!

What Courage!

My rescued pal, Kelly and I were walking through a very noisy community with construction going on. We had to walk into a narrow dark tunnel, forcing us to walk single file. A deranged man yelling came running towards us. Kelly was on leash behind me, and he pushed thru, rose up on his hind feet to create a barrier between me and the man. Kelly began barking wildly at the man & several people noticed and came to our assistance. Everyone said what an amazing dog! Yes he is!

Sherra Buzzell
Woodland Hills, CA

Samwise the Carrier

Samwise the Carrier

One day when Trevor went to the Pet Food Store, he wound up coming home with more than he had expected - a black and white tuxedo kitten! It had been discarded near the store, unwanted, unloved & starving. The owners brought it in; hoping a customer would adopt this poor stray.

When Trevor carried Samwise (as in Lord of the Rings) into our home, something inside of me went "Click", and we had our new baby! Our Sammy helps us battle all the demons and "orcs" that come our way and also performs acrobatics that put the flying Wallendas to shame! He slept that first week cuddled underneath my chin and shoulder, his untamed fur catching every tear I shed over the death of our older cat. As he purred like a tiny lion, he also absorbed my sadness. And so God came to me in my grief and bitterness, in the form of a diminutive black and white kitten, who taught me that His love is so great that it can be found anywhere at anytime and in anything. To look into the unconditionally loving eyes of a kitten is to see the face of God.

Sammy has also taught us, once again, that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Looking into his bright, golden eyes which are always filled with such unconditional love (and mischief, to be honest!), we are reminded, if we ever forgot, that God's love conquers all: death, grief, separation. And even though we may not understand His ways and means right now, someday we will: just as someday we will be reunited with all the pets we have loved unconditionally and who have loved us back.

Mrs. Sharon Dunford

Maddie Gets a Forever Home!

Maddie Gets a Forever Home!

Maddie's story starts with the passing of my toy yorkie, on January 1st, 2002. Max meant the world to me and when he died I was devastated! In March of that year I saw a poster about Rescue Dachshunds. I made a phone call asking if they had a mini female. They didn't have one at that time and said it could be up to a year before they could find one for me. I said I would wait. The very next day I got a call saying they had found a mini female dachshund! Was I interested? Yeah! Within a week I was holding that beautiful little girl! I named her Madison Leigh; Maddie for short. When they found her she was starving, her tail and both ears had been frost bitten, and she had no hair left on her tiny body. Because we worked and I didn't want her to be lonely, I got a puppy to keep her company. Zach is now a year old and he mothers her. She didn't know how to play, but Zach has taught her how to play and to play with all their toys! He even helped her find her "voice"! When my husband gets ready for work in the mornings she barks and barks at him, with her tail straight up and waggs and waggs her tail. When she's done telling him "Good Morning" she walks back into our bedroom and snuggles back down into her huge bed with Zach and that's where I find them in the mornings. I truely belive that Max brought Maddie into my life. He knew I needed that hole in my heart filled and that Maddie needed a forever home. Maddie is very happy and secure. She's my Angel!

Sherry Ouart
Annawan, IL

Darius the Cat

Darius the Cat

Darius is a 2+ year old male feral cat that I discovered late last winter clawing at my garbage. I began feeding him daily but could not approach him. In July I was able to trap him using a humane trap. I brought him to a mobile vet clinic for neutering and shots. The vet said not to expect a feral cat to become tame. About two weeks later Darius let me pet him. Shortly after he came inside the house. He goes outdoors in the garden only when I am home. Darius is very affectionate and a prolific purring machine. He has become quite tame. He lies down next to me like a person with his face next to mine. Darius is like a dog and comes when he is called by name and answers to my whistle. Darius has adapted himself to the bed, pillows, and to the fireplace with ease. His favorite spot to sleep is on my husband's leather chair near the wood stove.

Mich Rabushka Lysik
Covenrty, CT

Amazing, beautiful spirit!

Amazing, beautiful spirit!

My husband found Charlie when he was about 6 months old, in a field near our home, starving and riddled with fleas and ticks. A few weeks later, we learned that because of a congenital defect, Charlie needed a serious, open-chest surgery, the after-effects of which would necessitate that he eat only liquified food for the rest of his life, but which was the only way to save his life. Through it all, Charlie was always happy (just look at that smile!), playful, and full of joy and boundless energy. His immune system was doubtlessly weakened by his condition, but nothing ever stopped him.
A few years later, Charlie contracted Valley Fever. He was nearly completely incapacitated for 7 months. Once again, though, our Charlie fought, and recovered (although he had to be on medication to control the antibodies - which remained in his system - for the rest of his life). Still, as soon as he was physically able, Charlie smiled, wagged, and got down to playing again!
After Charlie's initial surgery, when he was six months old, we were told not to expect him to live to be six years old.
Last September, when Charlie was nearly 8 years old, he, our other beautiful angel dog, Lucky, and I went out into that same field to play. Charlie jumped into the river to fetch a stick, and when he came back up on shore, he laid down. This was highly unusual, so I ran to his side. My little angel died in my arms.
We will never stop missing Charlie, but the joy, love, and laughter he brought us, together with a supreme lesson in how to carry on through hardship, will never leave us. Our love for him is forever.

Celia Anderson
Riverside, CA

Smokey's Story

Smokey's Story

Smokey is a male cat who was trapped after a feral colony caretaker saw him for the first time.

He had been in a fire, and his face, paws, whiskers and ears were scorched. He was dehydrated, infested with fleas, exhausted, (his pads were still bleeding a bit), and he even smelled bad from the burned tissue.

We at The Peter Zippi Memorial Fund for Animals agreed to take him in and house him until he recovered.

We don't know what happened - if he were a victim of cruelty or had been caught up in the Christmas arson fire in a church near where he emerged. He may have "laid low" and hidden, as cats will do for a while after being so hurt, waiting to either die or get better.

Smokey was unneutered at the time of his rescue, but very calm and gentle when he was examined, given fluids and medications.

Smokey is big guy, around 10 pounds and a fluffy solid pewter color (with kind of silvery fur underneath and on his feet). The vet estimated that he was about 2 years old.

Smokey recovered from his wounds, and shortly after we listed him on Petfinder, we were contacted by a woman who had recently lost her big smokey-grey cat.

It was love at first sight for both of them.

It's been almost a year, and Smokey's mom lets us know on a regular basis how happy they both are.

Hermosa Beach, CA

Chloe - Has Her Own Facebook Page

Chloe - Has Her Own Facebook Page

Who would ever think Chloe would have her own Facebook page? But she does. Five years ago, at the age of two, she was found tied outside the kennel area of the veterinary office where I took my other dog, Wally. She was scrawny and wormy but the most loveable dog you would ever want to know. She was an habitual runaway and afraid of everything. She needed a home where she could receive unconditional love and she found it in my home. Early in her adjustment, she tried to run away, but she knew what a good thing she had going. She has not tried to run since.

Chloe has not done anything particularly heroic. As a matter of fact, she has eaten through the wall a couple of times during thunderstorms. However, she is somewhat of a celebrity in my town, having been featured on the local tv news for being one of the first dogs in the area to have her DNA tested (she does not look it but she is part Pointer, German Shepherd and Shiba Inu). Here pedigree is 100% LOVE.

Ann Rueve
Cincinnati, OH

Wee little Calli

Wee little Calli

We found our 2nd cat Calli when she was meowing as loud as she could crawling up our front door.
It was late November and very cold out side. She was only a few weeks old and oh so tiny.
The moment I plucked her off my door she went right to my shoulder and purred her little heart out.
It was love at first purr.
She is still with us 3 years later happy with her older sister we rescued a year before. She is our Crazy Calli and we all love her madly.

amy buco
newnan, GA

Sami and Molly:  My Jack Russells

Sami and Molly: My Jack Russells

All of her life Sami has been a free spirit. Jack Russell Terriers are known to have selective hearing - they hear only what they want to. Sami followed the tradition to the letter.

When a pathetic Jack Russell puppy was presented to me as the victim of abuse I took her in and named her Molly. Molly grew into a lovely little dog.

At the back of my property line was a 165-foot long 4-board fence. The dogs were small enough to race under it to romp through the adjoining field.

One day I found them missing. After about a minute or so and several calls only Sami appeared to my amazement. Since she was only about 12" tall, she had to leap over the tall grass and I could see her coming.

I asked Sami, "Where is Molly?" Sami reacted to my question by running to and fro, stopping at a point about 10 feet away from me in the tall grass and staring at me. She returned to stand at my feet. Completely baffled by her response, I repeated my question. Sami again reacted in the same manner. When I repeated the query a third time Sami ran to the same spot, placing a paw in front of her as though she wanted to dig. When I got to the spot I instantly realized that a turtle hole that had been there before had caved in. I got down on my knees and dug with my hands into the soft dirt. It took a few minutes, but I was able to clear the debris away and there, inside the hole, was Molly, very dirty, somewhat shaken, but otherwise unhurt.

Sami was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

B. Moreau
Ocala, FL

Splash Barks A Warning

Splash Barks A Warning

Splash woke me in the middle of the night with her barking. I discovered the home directly behind ours was in flames. We live on a bridgeless, barrier island in Florida and fire is the island's worst fear. The fire department awarded Splash and me with a "Good Citizen" plaque. She was definitely the hero on our little island that night.

Splash was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Patrice Pravato
North Captiva Island, FL