Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Maggie Moo Saves Granny's House

Maggie Moo Saves Granny's House

I rescued Maggie from a puppy mill.
Once I went out of town, my Granny kept her for me. One evening, after she was done reading her Bible, Granny left the room. Maggie started barking wildly. When Granny ran back into the living room, she saw that her reading lamp was smoking. Maggie helped save my Granny's house from burning down!

Maggie was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Tuttle, OK

My Angelic Fur Person Crash

My Angelic Fur Person Crash

That one morning, I was awakened by a very insistent Crash. Realizing I was not feeling well, I called my doctor, who told me to get to the emergency room. I discovered later that day that I was in the beginning stages of a heart attack. Had my angelic little fur person not been there, I might not be here today.

Crash was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Redondo Beach, CA

Incredible Kitty Rue

Incredible Kitty Rue

It hadn't been too long since I adopted Rue from the Richmond SPCA that she showed me what an incredible kitty she is. Around 4:30 a.m., I felt Rue walking on me and causing a fuss. I had left my stove on and my apartment was full of gas! Rue saved my life and I am forever grateful to her.

Rue was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Kelly Markey
Richmond, VA

Our Cat Ivy Saves My Husband

Our Cat Ivy Saves My Husband

One evening my husband was at home alone, sleeping in an upstairs bedroom when a fire broke out on the first floor. The entire lower level was engulfed in smoke and flames. Ivy jumped on the bed and pawed at my husband until he awoke and managed to escape through the bedroom window with Ivy in tow.

Ivy was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Irene McHugh
New Britain, CT

The Day Ukiah Chased the Coyote

The Day Ukiah Chased the Coyote

I turned just in time to see a coyote coming towards me. Ukiah came charging across the drive after that coyote, chasing him through the woods until I no longer heard anything. Ukiah came out, unscathed and smiling like he just did the most courageous act of protection. I praised him highly and he has never ever let me out of his sight since.

Ukiah was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Diane Solomon
Tenino, WA

Sarge And The Alligator

Sarge And The Alligator

One day Sarge kept barking and alerted us to the fact there was an alligator in our backyard. Living in Florida this is not unusual but this one managed to climb the bulkhead. My husband and I went out and scared him back into the canal. What an experience.

Sarge was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Marianne Gaeta
Palm Harbor, FL

Slipper Tracks Down Noname

Slipper Tracks Down Noname

Slipper wandered up to our door, a starved, under a year old Black and Tan Coon Hound. We took him in, and he wound up saving our ancient Lhaso Apso's life.

Noname, the Lhaso, was blind and deaf. He managed to get out of the fenced yard and wandered off. We live in deep country. We searched and searched and couldn't find him. Then my husband took Slipper out. He found Noname, wedged between the branches of a fallen tree by the creek, too far away for us to hear him if he barked. Slipper is our hero, and Noname's hero as well.

Slipper was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Nancy Grigsby
Franklin, KY

Copper: A Rescue Dog and K-9 of the Year

Copper: A Rescue Dog and K-9 of the Year

In 2005, Copper was found abandoned and was surrendered to Evergreen Golden Retriever Rescue. During his veterinary workup, Copper was diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis, a condition which gave him a raspy bark, but otherwise he was a healthy golden retriever.

King County Sheriff Deputy Miller was an approved adopter who wanted a dog to train for the Sheriff's K-9 unit. He met Copper and was instantly in love, claiming he would adopt Copper even if he wasn't able to complete the narcotic detection program. Despite his laryngeal paralysis (which becomes more agitated as he gets excited), Copper excelled in his training and became a full-time member of the Sheriff's K-9 corps. He is an outstanding narcotics detection dog and has completed over 1200 "sniffs" of buildings, vehicles, packages, bags and other items. Copper is credited with over 250 narcotics arrests and the seizure of over $2.5 million in cash and property related to narcotics trafficking. In 2006, Copper was named K-9 of the Year for King County. In 2007, Copper and his handler, Deputy Miller, won the Golden Rescue And Community Excellence Award in the area of Law Enforcement.

While most dogs work to please their specific handlers, Deputy Miller says Copper doesn't work just for him, but gets excited to perform for the detectives and deputies who request his assistance. Retirement is coming for Copper and Deputy Miller and when it arrives, it will be a sad day for the Sheriff's Office as well as other city and federal agencies who have come to rely on their expertise. Not only is Copper an excellent detection canine, he also brings a smile on the face of anyone he comes in contact with.

Copper was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Detective Kristi Bridgman
Maple Valley, WA

Grizwald: One Little Girl's Animal Hero

Grizwald: One Little Girl's Animal Hero

Grizwald, my eight-year-old daughter's service dog extraordinaire is fifty-five pounds of fluff, strength, and exceptional intelligence. Prior to adoption, our daughter suffered tremendous abuse and neglect. As a result she is mute and disabled. Grizwald helps her focus, he interrupts unwanted behaviors with a "touch, nuzzle or kiss" on command and he tethers to keep her secure and safe.

Grizzy was rescued by 4 Paws for Ability, trained with basic obedience in a "prison" program and finished with specific task training. 4 Paws, a nonprofit places service dogs primarily with children who have a variety of disabilities. Before Griz, Bekah was isolated and too afraid to go all the places we are now able to visit as a family. With Griz by her side, she goes everywhere.

Both my daughter and her service partner had terrible starts in life. Both were abandoned and left to die. Through the miracle of adoption, our daughter was placed with us --- her forever family. Through a 4 Paws miracle, Grizwald made it to full-certified service dog status.

Grizzy and Bekah were made for each other. Both had hard beginnings but now have loving families. Both are exceptional beings with much they can teach others. Many people spend their entire lives hoping for something as special as the kind of relationship my daughter has with this amazing canine.

Grizwald is a miracle with four paws who has been graced with the power to heal our entire family with his exceptional personality, intelligence and love he gives willingly daily. Grizwald extends his warmth and personality to others too. He is a joy, an everyday hero not only to us but also to everyone he meets.

Elmo was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Nancy Hemenway
Arlington, VA

Maggie the minature horse who gives kisses

Maggie the minature horse who gives kisses

Maggie is a four-year-old miniature therapy horse who has been visiting nursing facilities since she was eight months old. I never taught her how to kiss people, but she does and it makes the senior citizens and handicapped individuals she meets smile and giggle with delight. She has sparked memories in Alzheimer's patients and has been named the mascot for the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, walking every year with a bucket to raise money for them. She is a very special little horse at 33" tall with a six foot heart of gold.

Maggie was featured as an ANIMAL HERO on The Animal Rescue Site in February 2009.

Danvers, MA